coffee art

Two of my favorite things: goats & dark roast coffee

Alongside her music, writing has been a faithful companion giving Laura a great excuse to exploit the virtues of caffeine. Her articles and reviews have appeared in publications such as The Rosette, The Mandolin Journal, and the GFA Soundboard. Most recently, a few of her poems and essays were included in two anthologies published by Camden Writers/Waxing Crescent Press.

She has served as editor of several arts related and non-profit newsletters, and taught numerous integrative/interactive masterclasses and workshops using music, rhythm, poetry, words and free form collage to all age groups. Laura greatly enjoys seeing students engaged in the transformative power of the arts.

Winner NaNoWriMo 2012

A crazy-fun noveling adventure

Just for fun, Laura took the NaNoWriMo challenge in November 2012 to write a novel (50,000 words) in thirty days. A new zeal for writing in general emerged from that experience which no doubt lead to the birth of this website/blog the following year.

Shortly after moving to South Carolina, she founded FloWriters, a group intended to further the development of local writers and encourage camaraderie within the arts community. Membership with the South Carolina Writers Association connected her with the Camden Writers Group where most of the Goat Suite Saga portion of her Swimming with Swans project was meticulously critiqued.

Laura’s current work in progress, Swimming with Swans: the music & vignettes of our three-year journey between homes, is comprised of literary and musical material created while living on the road between homes from 6/2009 – 6/2012.

In 2016 Laura was awarded a Puffin Grant to complete her Goat Suite Saga, a self-contained yet complimentary slice of the larger multidisciplinary Swimming with Swans project. Both the music and vignettes are expected to be released in late 2020.