The road ends, but the journey continues...

Tag: blogging (Page 10 of 10)

One Year Later: Why Blog? Why Now?

In commemoration of my upcoming one-year blogging anniversary, I’m referencing Why Blog? Why Now? using it as a foil for reviewing the year-to-date.  As the introductory post written on 8/30/13, it serves as a starting point for re-assessing goals stated therein: whether they were met and/or if they’ve changed.  I guess you could say this is a sort-of evaluation post, re-examining the purpose of the blog along with how to proceed into its second year.

Why Blog? Why Now?

The obvious answer to this is of course, ‘Why not?’
Comment:  And thus began my official entry into the blogosphere… Continue reading

One Year Later: On the technical aspects of blogging

(Hard to believe, but I am coming up on the first anniversary of the launch of this website/blog the end of this month.)

This blogging gig has proven to awaken my inner geek, requiring her to be on-call 24/7.  In that respect, I can be quite grumpy and reluctant as regards the technical aspects of blogging.  So time consuming!  However I am greatly appreciative for the huge learning curves thrown my way that need to be fielded because they require an active attitude of ‘lifelong learning.’

For instance, the issue of updates and backing up data and the website in general has been an on-going concern.  This being a self-hosted WordPress site, most of what needs to be addressed on a regular basis is done by myself rather than WordPress.  The choice to be self-hosted was a deliberate decision as it offers a greater freedom in use of customizing WP templates and purposes.  Learn-as-you-go works for awhile, but after awhile, much of what is labeled, ‘maintenance’ is far from being routine.
Case in point: a few months ago I took the bull by the horns looking for new options for backups in order to address the compounding update issues that cannot continue to stay ‘on hold.’  Laughter-1I realized my original ‘UpdraftPlus’ plugin wasn’t pulling its weight, so I went on a Google research rampage in search of a more suitable solution. Several hours later, I found an-in-your-face-obvious-option I hadn’t noticed at first sight, right on the cPanel of my website host service.  A simple button named -you guessed it- Backups.
While I now have a better back-up plan, the updates are still continuing to accumulate.  The next step is for me to learn how to implement a ‘clone website.’  That way, I can do updates and see how they change the overall site while not interfering with the live site.  The fun part of establishing a clone site is that it will enable me to do all sorts of experimental things while not interfering with the live site.  That is indeed a geeky creative desire on my part, I know.  We’ll see. Continue reading

A Writer's Process: Kevin Powers Interview as Guidance & Inspiration

 ‘Every time I open a book or sit down at my desk, I’m hoping for confirmation that it is possible to understand and be understood by my fellow human beings.’  Kevin Powers

I have mentioned before that one of the guiding forces behind my starting this website/blog has been to showcase the vignettes written during our three-year journey between homes.  I have been in the process of ordering these vignettes into a completed manuscript for quite some time and continue to come up short.  And frustrated. Continue reading

I am being a rebel

Today, Friday the 8th, starting at 2:45 pm EST, I am being a rebel.  In NaNoWriMo lingo this means, among other things, writing a non-fiction WIP for submission in the month long challenge.
In order to get out a blog post, I realized I’d need to write a proper blog posting during my nano time.  I got it into my head that in order to keep pace with my writing, I’d then include it in my daily word count for submission in the month long challenge.  In the NaNo world, fiction and non-fiction do not mix.  Hence, the rebel aspect to my nanoing this year.
What was I thinking?  Am I caffeine deprived or just immune to its effects on this 8th day of writing frantically?  Overwhelmed by guilt, I retract my rebel word count plans.
This is my second year of nanoing, but my first year of blogging.  I seem to have life’s routine down for the month of NaNo, but not so the rules of blogging.
In the blogger world, it is stressed that the single most important thing for maintaining a ‘following’ apart from delivering quality content, is to stay on a fairly consistent blogging schedule.
So, here I am being a rebel.  Well, semi-rebel because I only thought it, but didn’t do it.  And I’m finding I’m pretty rotten at it.  I’m not convinced this is a quality blog posting, but feel the pressure to post something today as it’s been two weeks since my last posting.
I’ve got to think that God gets a kick out us humans trying to deal with all of the small stuff…and this really is only small stuff. Continue reading

Why Blog? Why Now?

The obvious answer to this is of course, ‘Why not?’  I, however, could think of many reasons ‘why not’ whenever it was suggested to me to begin blogging.  The biggest one being: anybody and their uncle can write anything and put it up into the nether-land of cyberspace for all to see regardless of quality.

And then I remembered that was one of the main reasons I’d balked at recording my first cd.  As a working musician, I’d done demos and was busy with gigging, teaching and performing.  After all, anybody and their uncle can record anything for all to hear regardless of quality; it is all so easy to do these days…


So that’s a good reason to disregard this idea of starting up a website blog?

I think not. Continue reading

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