The dreaded drought season in the life of a working musician…while it can be excruciatingly hard to bear at the time, the good news is that it does not last forever. Also, during that period of seemingly non-productivity, the brain on music is constantly firing on some level or another. For myself, this period of non-performance, my ‘dry spell’ has been filled with more opportunities to compose, arrange, explore other instruments, actively research and listen to tons of music. Sifting through various genres, with piles of notes heaped high one on top of the other I have entered into a myriad of musical worlds; hence gaining insight into diverse approaches to the artistic need to create and express what is deep within…
That said, when fellow colleagues share audio clips, videos and good sources of musical material for listening and consideration, I eagerly attend to their suggestions. And, when a piece is presented to me by way of my son, I take even greater notice and engulf myself in its offerings.
Take a listen, folks.
A-MAC DZ – ‘Give It To My People’ from Rise Above c Alex Mackenzie-Low 2014
How’s that for an in-progress EP rough mix? Let’s analyze it a bit…first off did you notice the voice? Who is this guy behind the Rod Stewart voice? When I got the mp3 from my son who plays on all the sax tracks, I started out listening only for his parts: the voicings, the integration of the instrumental tracks, compositional components; totally disregarding the normally banal lyrics of newer bands. Just my usual way of delving into the musicality of individual recordings.
But the guy behind the Rod Stewart voice was quite compelling. I couldn’t ignore the voice or the message. Continue reading