The road ends, but the journey continues...

Tag: transitions (Page 4 of 4)

On the icebox door

Today the movers come to begin the transport of Dad’s things to his new Independent Living apartment.  I pulled this quote that’s been behind a magnet on the icebox door for quite sometime, judging from its yellowed appearance.  For me it is in keeping with the theme of this blog: The Road Ends, but the Journey Continues. Perhaps it’s message will speak to you. Peace, all.

“We are all pilgrims in this life, and as we trek further down the road, we also become philosophers, so as I retire, here are some of my thoughts – God Bless – Gordon R. Darnell, D.D.S.

It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

Happiness is not a destination – it’s a way of traveling.

Don’t take life too seriously – it’s only temporary.

Life is difficult, Life is not fair, Life is wonderful.

Life is 10% what you make of it, and 90% how you take it.

He who dies with the most expensive toys – still dies.

The world is full of givers and takers – the takers eat better, but the givers sleep better.”

I Love Goofy Goats!

I love goofy goats!

This love, nay, obsession of all things ‘goat’ was birthed out of our time between-homes while living on the compound in the desert just outside of Las Cruces, NM.  Along with horse rescue, Mama Goat and her then baby billy-kid, Tater tagged along for the ride.  Turns out, goats are the best antidote for nervous race horses…and wouldn’t you know, in less than a year of rescuing those goats, we acquired yet another horse rescue; a thoroughbred.  But those horse-rescue stories are for another time.

Goats make me smile.

Down the road from our former home in Colorado, there’s a sign that states: “Billy Goat Dairy Farm.”   Does anyone besides myself and my hubby see the conflicting nature of that name?!  Ahemm…billy-goats don’t make milk…a dairy farm made up of billy-goats is not one conducive to producing much in the way of anything dairy-like! Ah, yes, but passing the herd along the roadside, we see they are enjoying that universal goat-fav game of ‘king of the hill’…and they’re not billy-goats!

Goats are curious. Continue reading

Between Homes

from-Swimming with Swans: vignettes of our three-year journey between homes
6/2009 ~ 6/2012

July 2010 (North Webster, IN)

“Sometimes, when you possess nothing at all, the only thing you can do is hang on to your dignity.  But even simple words can take that away from you if you’re not careful.” *

We are in transition, my husband and I.

As of June 26, 2009, we have been living life on the road.

Having sold our home in Colorado, we stored all non-portable, and “to be used later” items in a storage unit; packed two duffels with clothes, books, Bibles, toothpaste, and meds; filled the car trunk with tools, hydraulic jack, an air mattress, fold-up sports chairs, and mini basket with important papers; and the rest of the car with a greatly reduced number of items needed for our livelihood.  For my husband, that included a computer with two screens, tech stuff, a mobile wi-fi device, and business materials; for myself, two guitars, one ukulele and a satchel crammed full of selected musical scores, teaching/marketing/composing materials, and of course my journals.  Throw in our two pillows, a small “food/domestic needs” box, CDs, DVDs, camera, coffeepot, water bottles, maps and there you have our home on wheels.

Whatever we continue to take with us, has to be able to fit in our 2003 Toyota Camry, so if we have a non-disposable need other than what we have on hand, we usually do without; not only because of financial considerations, but also because it all has to fit back into the car once we’re on the road again between destinations.  Most destinations have been house-sitting/house fixing up assignments and/or visiting and helping out family and friends, with lots of cross-country traveling thrown in for good measure.

Essentially, we are between homes.  Continue reading

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