The road ends, but the journey continues...

Thanksgiving 2019

– A mini spur of the moment gratitude list –

T – Terry, the love of my life.
H – Home. Wherever we alight if we’re together, it’s home.
A – All Creatures Great and Small, the Lord God Loves Them All.
N – (Finding) Neverland – childhood is precious.
K – Kindness. A little goes a long way but why be chintzy?
S – Snow. On Thanksgiving. The best.
G – Grumpy family. It’s okay to get grumpy sometimes, that’s when the Family gets to show you (me) love when you’re (I’m) the grump.
I – Interest/engagement in the world outside (y)our personal realm makes for a fuller life.
V – Vistas. The views from the peak of our Family’s mountain are the ultimate 360-degree surround sound/visual. Thank you Ma & Dad for preserving its wildness.
I – Inspiration. Found in such vistas and meant to be shared via our (he)art.
N – (Mister Rogers’) Neighborhood – childhood is precious.
G – Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

— How about you? Please feel free to add to this mini gratitude list below —


  1. Mary J Puckett

    I’m glad you did this list. I did a post this time last year suggesting 30 days of gratitude instead of 30 days of shopping between T’giving and Christmas, but I didn’t want to be a nag so didn’t re-run it this year.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Given that this was a late Thanksgiving and marketers/shoppers are harping on it being a ‘shorter’ gift-buying time, the ‘nag’ most likely would have been pounced upon more aggressively…
      Not by me, tho…I’m with you, Zippy!

  2. Deborah

    I loved read8ng your list. So much to be grateful for. Sounds like you had a wonderful thanksgiving!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, I did…I hope your holiday season stays on an even keel with lots of fun grandkid times.

  3. Marie A Bailey

    I’m late to the party here but what a great list! I want to do this next year! A wonderful reminder of all that we have to be thankful for 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Marie…kudos from you a writer is a great way to start the week.

  4. Roseanne

    Hi Laura! I’m sorry I didn’t see this list until just now. Great idea and great list. I may just borrow it for next year, if you don’t mind and I remember. I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving. ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh I don’t mind at all!
      BTW: I had a slice of non-soggy bottom pumpkin creme pie – how’d your pie turn out?

  5. Annika Perry

    Laura, what a wonderful spur of the moment list & post! On top of your list I often find myself thankful for the magic of reading, books, writing – that my eyes let me read, my hands are free to write, type! Good health is a blessing – having suffered years with certain illnesses, I am grateful every morning to wake fine! Hope you’ve had a wonderful celebration this week!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Amen to that, Annika.

  6. Jennie Fitzkee

    Really, really nice! I’m so glad you included Mr. Rogers. Just perfect, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thought you might like that!

  7. Joe Finnerty

    I am thankful that Macy’s persuaded FDR to get Congress to establish the 4th Thursday of November as the fixed date to celebrate Thanksgiving rather than the last one of the November as some years the month has 5. Macy’s argued it would provide more days to shop for Christmas on those years, boost economy. Became a very emotional national issue. Became law Dec 1941. The WWII song I later wrote, I’ll Be Home For Thanksgiving, never became popular. A different Holiday tune kept it off the charts. Insert smiley face here.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Now if your song had had ‘more cowbell’…I’m sure it would have surpassed that certain other Holiday tune.

  8. Marty

    Great list! Nothing can beat kindness. Absolutely nothing, not even grumpiness. 😉

    • laura bruno lilly

      Ain’t it the truth!

  9. L. Marie

    I had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Laura! Hope you did too. Love your list. I’m thankful for Time, Hope, Affirmation, Nice people, Knowledge/Kindness, and a Savior (THANKS).

    • laura bruno lilly

      Your THANKS is perfect, L.Marie…

  10. Brigid Gallagher

    A lovely post Laura. Happy Thanksgiving.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you – from across the pond!

  11. Jill Weatherholt

    Wonderful list, Laura. How great that your husband’s name begins with the letter T! I’m thank for my family, friends, a good job, a roof over my head…so many things.

    • laura bruno lilly

      So many things, as you say, and not to be taken for granted – as I know you know. Blessings to you and your folks.

  12. Mariss Stevens

    What a heartwarming list. Happy Thanksgiving to you

    • laura bruno lilly

      Why thank-you, Ms Mariss!

  13. Jane Chesebrough

    Thoughtful Blessings.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, my Canadian friend.

  14. Catherine de Seton

    What an extraordinary way for both now, the past and maybe the future…thanks for sharing. T/Giving is not celebrated in my family nor really a big part of traditional New Zealand. I think I said we share at other times…with family and/or friends

    • laura bruno lilly

      Holidays are a great excuse to get together, wouldn’t you say?

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