The road ends, but the journey continues...

I’m Back! (for a little while at least)

Wednesday’s 11:59 PM night flight out of Denver to Raleigh/Durham was very efficient use of travel time indeed. But tack onto the three and a half hour flight time with another two and a half hour drive back to FloTown and the dawning of that new day became very disorienting.
I spent most of my Thursday in a post-flight fog. Nothing like jet lag from out-of-the-country flights, but enough of a kicker to remind me that there’s no such thing as ‘flights of fancy’ (ugh, poor attempt at a pun-y quip!)
Today I awoke to a celebration of life in the now: hubby’s and mine 38th wedding anniversary!
As I reenter the realm of being online, I offer up two previous posts written on celebrating this date – sticky noted and following this post. (found here and here once they are un-sticky noted)
And then, as I ease into a slightly altered routine tempered by perspective gained from being away, more regular posting will resume.

Happy June 17th!


  1. S.T. Ranscht

    I always rejoice for lasting marriages! Congratulations! I know it’s take hard work and dedication many people can’t seem to muster any more. Well done, the both of you, and here’s wishing you many more years together!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Rejoice! What a lovely word to use in our celebration of 38 years…sweet!
      Thank you for stopping by and perusing many of my posts…and thank you for the ‘follow’.

  2. Donna@GWGT

    Happy anniversary. That is a long time, longer than my husband and I.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Donna.
      I can’t let it pass: how long is it for you and your hubby?

  3. Lulu

    Happy Anniversary, Laura! I hope that with a little rest and a gentle reintroduction to the favorite parts of your routine (and maybe a nice, strong cup of coffee) you’ll be feeling like your right self again in no time. Looking forward to reading more whenever you have a chance to post! Sending well wishes and prayers to you and your family. I am thinking of you and of your father. <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      LuLu: Yes, already my day of R&R (in pjs to boot!) has been rejuevinating. (sp?) HA! And as for that strong cuppa…well, you’re beginning to know me, eh?!
      Thank you for thinking of me and Dad and everyone…I’ll be posting a brief photo collage here sometime – soon? (Such a relative term.)
      You stay well.

  4. Janis

    Happy anniversary! I loved reading the older post about the various ways you’ve celebrated over the years.

    • laura bruno lilly

      So glad you stopped by, Janis.
      I hope the Cali fires aren’t too close to where you are.

  5. Andy

    Happy Anniversary to you both.

  6. Bob Cloud

    Welcome back and Happy Anniversary. Thirty eight years huh? Well congratulations and here’s to the rest of your lives together. Skoal ! Salute! Bottoms up! (Or as we say down here) To yall !

    • laura bruno lilly

      Grazie, Roberto! Cin, cin! Celebrated with homemade chicken enchiladas (with Hatch Green chile brought from Colorado to South Carolina via airplane!) and my fav, Chardonnay!
      peace, friend.

  7. Sylvia

    Happy Anniversary!, Laura. I love your header image. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you most kindly!

  8. Anna Scott Graham

    I was thinking about you on Wednesday, where did those five weeks go? Wishing you and Terry a very happy anniversary, and plenty of rest too. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, they just ‘flew by’ HA!

  9. Linda W.

    Happy Anniversary, Laura! And welcome back! Jet lag is challenging, isn’t it?
    I hope you have a wonderful anniversary!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Linda. Funny, we drove over 24 hours straight to CO from SC, yet jet-lag is harder to handle for me! HA!

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