The road ends, but the journey continues...

Birthday Bouquets’ Insight Unfurled

Upon waking on the 18th of this month*, flower bouquets greeted me in two of my favorite places inside our home.

The kitchen table held the joy of these Gerbera Daisies – watching over my morning coffee preparation ritual, prophesying the beginnings of a glorious day.

Birthday Bouquet, Red Roses

As I rounded the short distance to my studio, caffeine delight in hand, these Deeply Red Roses nestled within surprised me – lending approval, distinction and beauty to the (he)art I create therein.

Both bouquets spoke love from the one who deftly placed them in their respective spots the night before.

The Gerbera Daisies began to wilt shortly after the first week.

The Deeply Red Roses are still going strong.

In fact, the photo shows them more than holding their own after almost two weeks.

Look closely at the water in the bottom of the vase. Kind of murky and yucky. A great indicator of the age of the bouquet, yet they haven’t even begun to fade or show signs of shriveling up any time soon.

Both bouquets unfurled insight on my entry into the ‘Nines’.

I entered into the β€˜Nines’ this year. As stated in the post reference, my times in the ‘Nines’ have tended to be fraught with trepidation. Simply put: my journey through the ‘Nines’ can be a bit rocky.

In a non-angsty way, I have been questioning my own relevance and place in these present times and ridiculously ageist American society since the New Year.

Enthusiastically re-imagining a life-path, I am forging my own way and am confident, yet…?

As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words.

* the date of my birth


  1. Khaya Ronkainen

    Happy, happy belated birthday, dear Laura! Both the daisies and roses are exquisite; a beautiful and thoughtful gesture for your special day.

    Here’s to re-imagining a life-path and forging your own way with confidence! πŸ™‚ Much love. <3

  2. the hot goddess

    Happy belated birthday, Laura! ?
    Keep on reimagining. Questioning, wondering, and worrying are normal. Reimagine anyway. Cheers to another year of possibilities ✨️ ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for joining in the celebration, hg!
      Cin Cin!

  3. Andy

    A belated Happy Birthday to you Laura ?
    I’ve been caught up in the Beatles-time warp-sentimental-overdrive-bubble, but now I’m out and catching up!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Welcome back! You’ve been missed.

  4. piecefulwendy

    I’m late commenting, but want to wish you a very happy belated birthday. Your flowers are lovely – I hope they are still greeting you each morning! I’m not to the nines yet, but not far behind!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I’ll keep my eyes out for your future entering into the ‘Nines’…HA! BTW: The tea party has a table just for fika, too! I confess to needing both!

  5. marissthequilter

    Oh what a bright and beautiful welcome into ‘the nines’. A sign of a good year ahead and a message, perhaps, to stop and smell the roses and not ponder on what the future holds (message to self).
    Belated birthday wishes, dear Laura.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Those exuberant Gerbera Daisies are of course indigenous to your country of SA – so thank you to South Africans everywhere for cultivating such a cheerful flower!
      It’s a wonder you haven’t yet stitched one…hint, hint.

      • marissthequilter

        Ha! I don’t have them growing in my (shady) garden. But I agree that they are very stitchable

  6. deborahbrasket

    Happy Birthday, Flower Sister!!!

    I just love a home full of flowers, and yours are so beautiful! Not sure what you mean by the “nines,” the ninth year of a decade I’m assuming. I’m pretty sure you are a lot younger than me, and I can assure you, it just keeps getting better and better.

    I’ll look forward to hearing what your new life-path will be. I’m sure it will be amazing and perfectly YOU.

    Lots of love,

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, flower-sister! Your greetings & encouragement are happily received.
      Yes, the ‘nines’ refer to the ninth year of a decade. And if you count the layers in the cake photographed in the 2014 blog post referenced, you’ll know which decade! HA! Yep, I’m just a cryptic type of gal at times.

  7. Jane's Heartsong

    I am enjoying the flowers at this end. Happy belated birthday. I am 69, is that what you mean by the “nines.” On the edge, ha ha.Well it was a great beginning to the day for you, I am sure the rest of it went well, too. Blessings to you!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Jane – yep you’re in the ‘nines’ too! Same one in fact…

  8. zippyquilts

    Happy birthday and let’s look forward to another year!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Here – Here. Thanks, Zip!

  9. Wakinguponthewrongsideof

    Happy birthday!!!!! You are awesome.

  10. Beautiful flowers and thoughtful surprise. Don’t let this turn of the Nines get to you – remember your fabulousness as all these people following your blog realize – most of us (well Mary did) never met you in person but we know you are rocking in all ways any Nines you encounter πŸ™‚

  11. Janis @

    My husband has been in his Nines this year and it’s been a bit rocky for him too. I hope the transition to a whole new decade early next year will fall lightly on his shoulders. Your flowers are beautiful, as are your words. Happy belated birthday… I’ll be happy to join in on that tea party!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Janis – I hope your husband gets his ‘new decade’ feet and enters out of the Nines with full speed!
      And yes, come join the tea party – you’re a welcome addition!

  12. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    Lovely flowers, Laura. Lucky you! Congratulations on being a year older and wiser! Wishing you many more healthy, happy years with your thoughtful spouse! <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you! Thoughtful spouses add so much to our lives, don’t they, Cheryl?

      • Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

        I agree about thoughtful spouses. One of the best things in life! <3

  13. Marie A Bailey

    Well, Happy Belated Birthday! I think Ally has it just right: kudos to you for approaching your Nines with self-awareness and acceptance but do let’s have some tea and hold hands because the Nines aren’t for the weak of heart ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, I’m waiting for the tea party to begin!
      Thanks for stopping by, Marie, I appreciate you.

  14. L. Marie

    Laura, I hope your birthday was a happy one.
    I also have approached the nines (and the fives) with trepidation. I remember ages ago thinking 35 was old. I have to laugh at that now.
    Laura, He goes before you, no matter what path you take. I’m grateful to know you!!!

    • laura bruno lilly

      It’s fun to be spoiled from time to time!
      He does go before us – and reaches out to take our hands as we talk & discover along the way. Thanks for that, L.Marie.
      I’m blessed to have you in my life, too. How about joining that tea party mentioned here in the comments? I know a great tea that a friend sent me recently…

      • L. Marie

        ??? I’m going to have to try that tea someday. Right now, I’m concentrating on Bigelow Peppermint tea on this snowy Halloween. Yes, snowy. It has snowed off and on today.

        • laura bruno lilly

          If you don’t have to drive, then it’s a fun evening! Right? Peppermint Tea & snow sound so Christmas-y. You must be thinking ahead!

  15. Jennie

    The flowers are so pretty. I love the roses against the quilt that looks like a window. I second Ally’s comment! Happy Birthday, Laura.

    • laura bruno lilly

      A few others have seconded her comment – let’s have a tea party!

      • Jennie

        Yes! ?

  16. petespringerauthor

    The beauty of life is we can change the course we’re on whenever we see fit. I know I’ve gotten more contemplative as I’ve gotten older. I don’t know if that’s because I’ve learned to slow down or because I have more time to think. Belated birthday wishes, Laura. Remember when we used to get excited on our birthdays? Regardless, it’s nice to be remembered on our special day.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Pete. Truth be told, I still get excited about birthdays in general and mine in particular!

  17. Ally Bean

    I don’t know if I should congratulate you for approaching your nines with a clear head + insight into who you are OR offer to make you pot of tea and hold your hand as you share your concerns. Maybe both? Who’s to say we can’t embody wisdom and worry at the same time! ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      True, true, Ms Bean. I’ll take both, please!

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