Making Angels Cry
Laura Bruno Lilly ©2024

Making Angels Cry
Laura Bruno Lilly ©2024
The world
It goes hither and yon.
Yet 21st century aromas linger
Strangely unsettling these past years.
Strongly scented with testosterone
– aggression –
A generation that knows no other way.
In the name of progress, our input has become narrow.
Fully incomplete, unfeeling, unreal.
How to thrive in such an unfertile soil
Laden with toxic nutrients?
Yet 21st century aromas linger
Strangely offering hope for a better future.
Strongly scented with testosterone, estrogen
– partners –
Shaping a more sustainable relational environment.
Angels cry
Angels hope
Angels have no say.
It’s up to us.
A powerful poem for sure, Laura. Testosterone and aggression must be muted by angels, and also by action. What a scary, scary time.
Thank you, my Canadian Advocate-Voice. 😉
This tugs at my heart too. Yes, it’s up to us.
We’re up to it, flower-sister!
Yep. Not the most eloquent response to your lovely poem, but you speak the truth here. I agree.
Ms Bean – always to the point. Thank you for letting me know!
Your poem tugs at my heart, Laura. I wish the angels would intervene but that wouldn’t be fair, would it? Weren’t we given brains, heart, and soul? I’ll admit, it’s times like these when my agnosticism deepens, when I wonder, “how can there be a God?” And then I see the Right Rev. Budde give the First Felon a lesson in Christianity and I think, “there’s no excuse for me to despair and do nothing.”
Yes, you’re so right, Marie.
Well written, well said, Laura. I read your comment to Jane. I refuse to give up hope. I refuse to discount God and His principles. I refuse to believe that the babies born everyday are born without hope. I can’t do anything about the political and powerful talking heads, but I can be an influence in my little world. One never knows where a light is born, where that light is nurtured as it grows. Maybe that light doesn’t shine until long after the nurturer is gone, but it does shine. A. Lincoln comes to mind, but there are so many others, and they are not all in the past! There are little lights everywhere! Let’s look for them, and let’s be them!
Sounds like a ‘Laura thing’ to do…thank you for such a thoughtful comment. hugs
I figure that being a doomsayer is doing a gross injustice to my grandkids and faith in God. 🙂
Laura, hope your days are going better. In my surrounding are some human being tragedies – so your angel is right. But they are still around us and carry us. thank you for commenting on Wendy’s blog!
Thank you for understanding, Eva. And for visiting my blog. Take care.
A powerful poem, Laura. Yes, the bottom line is it’s up to us.
And you are keeping hope alive for our upcoming generations, Jennie. hugs
That’s so nice, thank you Laura. Hugs!
Laura, you put into words what many of us are feeling, I particularly like how you phrased the lingering aromas of the 21st century (very clever). I worry about the state of our country, world, planet and beyond, but as you so eloquently put it, it’s up to us.
As you know, part of what wells up inside ourselves while processing these feelings – making sense of our world – can only be expressed through some sort of (he)art…for you it’s visual art, for myself, it’s poetry and music. It’s up to us – each of us do make a difference!
Laura, this is a highly relatable poem. Well said! 🌹
Cheryl, I’m honored you stopped by. Thank you for letting me know you connected with the poem. Sometimes that’s the only way (besides my music) I feel I can express the big things in life. As a poet yourself, I know you ‘get’ this. Take care.
I like how you journey from despair to hope.
I followed your link to Jane’s blog and made a comment there about fragile hope. Prayers across the Pond to you.
Thanks for checking out the link – it adds perspective from everyday Canadians and Americans on this whole business. 🙁
Manc Bud & Poet: ‘fragile hope’ is still hope – thanks for hanging on, too!
Oh Laura.
The distress comes through so strongly. Even though the last lines soften the despair, I am worried. Nay, terrified.
I posted this comment on Jane’s blog (
and realized that is the premise from which I am approaching these times. It helps me feel like I am ‘doing something’.
“Walking forward in our daily lives these days is challenging, and even if our (he)art is silenced, it is still growing strong roots deep in the soil of all that is good. I believe the best thing I can do as an ‘elder’ (I turned 70 in October) is to keep hope alive, be a good example for the younger generations. To lose hope is to lose everything…and I will not allow that to be stolen from those I know, love and touch.”
Keep walking. Miracles do happen
You, too – hugs
A powerful and moving poem, Laura!
My dear October Poet – I am humbled by your assessment. Thank you.
I like the way you ended your thoughts, Laura. It is always up to us. Throughout history, people have come into power by fooling or intimidating the masses. If we don’t call out scapegoating when we recognize it, we’re part of the problem. Here’s to a better world!
Here, here!
Yep, it’s up to us.
Thank you for your email, it’s great to continue the conversation that way – sending you a virtual quilty hug, Zip.
It’s up to us with the wisdom of the Spirit. Very poignant poem, Laura.
Yes, indeed, L.Marie. (imagine heart emoji here)