Making Angels Cry

Laura Bruno Lilly ©2024

Crying Angel by Cheyenne McCoy

Making Angels Cry
Laura Bruno Lilly ©2024

The world
It goes hither and yon.
Yet 21st century aromas linger
Strangely unsettling these past years.
Strongly scented with testosterone

– aggression –
A generation that knows no other way.
In the name of progress, our input has become narrow.
Fully incomplete, unfeeling, unreal.
How to thrive in such an unfertile soil
Laden with toxic nutrients?
Yet 21st century aromas linger
Strangely offering hope for a better future.
Strongly scented with testosterone, estrogen

– partners –
Shaping a more sustainable relational environment.
Angels cry
Angels hope
Angels have no say.
It’s up to us.