The road ends, but the journey continues...

Camden Writers Group Workshop

Camden Writers at Books on Broad

Camden Writers* at ‘Books on Broad’ book launch

 Here’s something one of my Camden Compadres wrote concerning the up-coming Writers Workshop our group is presenting September 26th.  If you live near here or are in the area at that time, please consider joining us in this event. Thank you Jayne, for making passing on this information easy…just copy and paste and away we all go!

First One Word, Then Another

At least twice a month, something magical happens in Camden. That’s when the Camden Writers meet to critique one another’s work, share writing advice, and offer support. To say that I’ve learned a lot from this group is an understatement. Without them, I’d still be flagrantly using adverbs and overdoing what Mindy calls “Those Be Words.”

While we all enjoyed the social aspect of meeting with like-minded people, our group began to want something that would compel us to write and submit our work. We noticed that many of our entries centered on family, tradition, and the power of memory. Soon an idea was hatched to develop a communal document, and we published our first anthology, Serving Up Memory, in October 2014.

At one of the first meetings of 2015, one of our members suggested that we publish our collectivejayne's writers workshop image work every other year and have a workshop in the intervening one. I could have hugged Ari Dickinson for that stroke of genius. Not only did it give all of us some breathing room, but it also provided an opportunity to tackle another project, one that would offer help, encouragement, and information to writers in South Carolina.

After months of planning, we have a date, a venue, and a splendid line up for our first Camden Writers’ Workshop. First One Word, Then Another will be held from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM Saturday, September 26, 2015, on the downtown Camden campus of Central Carolina Technical College at 1125 Little Street. Late registration and a “mix and mingle” with light refreshments will take place at 8:30.

Two sets of concurrent one-hour sessions are scheduled. The first set includes Stories in a Box (Kathryn Etters Lovatt, Myra Yeatts, Douglas Wyant) and Family Histories and Memoirs (Brenda Bevan Remmes and S.Jane Gari). The second set includes Sparking Your Poem (Kim Blum-Hyclak) and From Stone to Gemstone: Revising, Editing, and Polishing Your Manuscript (Carla Damron).

We’re delighted that Bob Strother, who has published over eighty stories, will give the keynote address, Listening for the Story. Not only has he published eighty short stories in various magazines and literary journals, Bob is also the author of a collection of short stories, Scattered, Smothered, and Covered, and two novels, Shug’s Place and Burning Time. He’s won so many awards that enumerating them here is well nigh impossible.

Lunch will be provided by one of Camden’s popular sandwich shops. During the latter part of lunch, a panel will discuss publishing options in Writing, Submitting, and Publishing. Book signings, drawings, and several informative handouts are also planned.

Mark September 26th on your calendar, Fellow Writers. And tell a friend about this workshop, too. Let’s all do our part to encourage others to write First One Word, Then Another.

For additional information on sessions, presenters, and registration information, please go to and look for our “slider page.” 

 *(left-right) Back row: Brenda Bevan Remmes, Paddy Bell, Mindy Blakely, Vanessa Friedrich, Kathryn Etters Lovatt, Martha Dabbs Greenway. Front row: Jayne Padgett Bowers, Lauren Allen, Douglas Wyant, Laura Bruno Lilly. Not shown: Bobbi Adams, Ari Dickinson, Nick West.


  1. L. Marie

    Wow! How cool that you have a workshop to offer people. I hope that goes well. Wish I could be there!
    I hope to meet with my critique group next month. 🙂 We’ve been getting together for three years.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh L. Marie, wish you could be here, too!
      It sounds like you have a portion of an WIP to offer up for critique next month…good for you. After three years you guys are probably very well attuned to each other. That’s a great quality to share in a critique group.

      • L. Marie

        I started a new novel, so I would offer that up for a critique though it’s not finished. I hope to send the first one out on submission to agents.

        • laura bruno lilly

          How exciting to have a mss to send out to agents…much luck to you on that journey!

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