The road ends, but the journey continues...

Feeling Groovy-Alive

I guess it’s time for a current event post on the life and times of this blogger/poet/quilter/musician/cger/composer/granma/ma/good cooker/sister/aunt/cousin/wife/lover/friend/student of life/believer in miracles/dreamer/doer/getter-of hands in the dirt/ grower of plants edible and not/hoper through times of despair/vocalist for those without a voice/minister of his peace/21st century jesus person servant/sharer of truth/wise owlette/sojourner in this world/woman of faith/lover of science and mathematical conundrums/discoverer of the interconnectedness in all slices of life and heart desires/waiter of answers to promises given/wounded soul in need of rescue/rescuer of goats, horses, dogs, cats, turtles/elder lady with the spirit of youthful joy/enabler/seeker of better times ahead/contemplator of things past/keeper and hugger of loved ones gone, those still alive, those yet to be/builder of community and unity/laugher of hearty guffaws/cryer of deep tears…
Outer-by-outerbanksdotorgGuess you can tell I’m kinda feeling groovy…been working on my SwS project presentation/mini concert set for June and it’s all coming together so fine. Also just came back from a refreshing first time discovery visit to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. One could call it an unexpected ‘Artists Date’ of the Julia Cameron kind. This trip turned out to be a truly freeing experience; perhaps due to it being ‘off-season’ but mostly because its wide open spaces are within a context of crowded eastern populations with a less touristy focus.  All of which are welcome to this wilderness Coloradoan displaced in the Carolinas of the Southern extraction. Going from the clear skies of the mile high to the claustrophobic swamplands has always been hard on my psyche. But this place – OBX – offers more of a balance of wilderness spaces and touristy places not easily attained in these parts and it’s just 6 hours away from FloTown…
So…artistic horseWe’re planning a next time trip where we’ll mingle with wild horses on remote islands, but for now an artistic rendering of an equine presence seen on the waterfront in the town of Duck will have to be a placeholder.

outer banks map

Area above Rodanthe is Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge

My favorite place of all was Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge on Hatteras Island…driving South from Kitty Hawk where we were staying with two large bodies of water in full view: the Atlantic Ocean to my left and the Pamlico Sound to my right…as if we were the first and only ones to traverse the road and cross those never-ending bridges. Those bridge adventures are more a family thing, so going over them made me feel close to those not with me – and bonding together with hubby who just loves bridges period.
We used to grab our eldest (Havilah) out of her crib and strap her in her car seat all of an hour after midnight and go ‘drive the bridges’ in the Bay area back in the day…

…from San Jose over the Dumbarton, then the Hayward Bridge, over the Bay Bridge with the best views entering into the city, through to the Golden Gate then, turn around and do it all again back to Sanah Zey…

Yeah, back in the day when HP was a trend setter in the R&D circles…and when both Hewlitt & Packard were still alive and well.

Bonner Bridge Outer Banks

One of many obx bridges

So how is this related to my own life’s current events?
Hubby and I are beginning to traverse a revived life line back to a familiar though uncertain ‘faith-leap’ path.  After an almost five year sojourn following our three year journey between-homes, it seems it is finally time to move forward with dreams long put on hold…
Will keep you posted.


  1. Anna Scott Graham

    Feeling groovy right along with you; that looks like one heck of a trek about your neck of the woods.
    My smile was wide reading your SF Bay Area bridge tour!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I knew you would relate!

  2. Deborah

    So happy for you Laura! What a great place to be in your life. And those bridges–I can see why you are fascinated with driving over them. Not a lot of bridges where I live and certainly nothing like that. I’ll look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Glad to share the drive with you!

  3. Andy

    I totally understand the inspiration and sense of connection-to both people and place, provoked by wilderness. I’m familiar (without ever seeing) the outer banks of North Carolina through following the travels of satellite tracked Great White sharks via the internet.
    Best of luck with your plans.
    Ps I like Owl City.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Tracking the great whites via satellite sounds like it could double as a science project Dad does with his kids!
      I tend to gravitate more towards the earlier works of Owl City – fireflies, vanilla twilight and of course dreams don’t turn to dust. Any newer ones you could recommend as favs?

      • Andy

        Not really-I don’t know all of their stuff. But I like what I’ve heard of them. I came across them on a ‘if you like these you may like these’ kind of introduction online.

        • laura bruno lilly

          I came across him via a ‘favorite music links’ page on a funky coffee shop’s website in Phoenix, Arizona when we lived near there in 2012. I think he was still basically a recluse in his parents basement at that time…so his music was not only Indie, but ‘underground’ (bad pun, I know).

          • Andy

            Ha! And shows how much I know-I thought Owl City was a group.

          • laura bruno lilly


  4. Janis

    What a beautiful area! It appears that you have some interesting journeys ahead of you too… It’s always nice to shake things up and have something to look forward to.

    • laura bruno lilly

      It reminds me a bit of what I’d describe as the Eastern US’s version of CA’s highway one.
      When we moved here, I mistakenly assumed being so close to the coast would be like how it was when we lived in the Bay Area in terms of easy access to the ocean…no complaints, just: different places, different mindset.

  5. Jennie Fitzkee

    Wonderful, wonderful! I have always loved Nags Head, although I haven’t been there in many years. The Outer Banks is truly beautiful in a natural, rustic way that stirs up excitement for life. Sounds corny, but it’s true. I can’t wait to hear about you new adventure.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Sometimes the best things in life are corny

  6. Joseph Finnerty

    I love your blog, each new one filled with unique insights and observations. The pictures you add make then even more enjoyable. They lift my spirit.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh Joe – your ever present editor’s eyes gently look over (in spirit) much of what I write…Including my latest edits/FINALS on the Goat Suite Saga which the Scottsdale writers group began critiqueing way back in the day!

  7. Jane Chesebrough

    love this! Like the rhythm, the lyrics, so up-lifting, as is this post. Like your list at the beginning, something we all should attempt to do. Excited for you!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Jane…what would your list be?

  8. L. Marie

    Wow. Sounds like you had a potentially life-changing experience on that trip! Nice to see the photos! I’ve never been there. Glad you’re feeling groovy. 🙂 The trip seemed to put fresh wind in your sails. Looking forward to how you life out your dreams.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Times of refreshing…hope some come raining down on you, too!

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