The road ends, but the journey continues...

I Love Goofy Goats!

I love goofy goats!

This love, nay, obsession of all things ‘goat’ was birthed out of our time between-homes while living on the compound in the desert just outside of Las Cruces, NM.  Along with horse rescue, Mama Goat and her then baby billy-kid, Tater tagged along for the ride.  Turns out, goats are the best antidote for nervous race horses…and wouldn’t you know, in less than a year of rescuing those goats, we acquired yet another horse rescue; a thoroughbred.  But those horse-rescue stories are for another time.

Goats make me smile.

Down the road from our former home in Colorado, there’s a sign that states: “Billy Goat Dairy Farm.”   Does anyone besides myself and my hubby see the conflicting nature of that name?!  Ahemm…billy-goats don’t make milk…a dairy farm made up of billy-goats is not one conducive to producing much in the way of anything dairy-like! Ah, yes, but passing the herd along the roadside, we see they are enjoying that universal goat-fav game of ‘king of the hill’…and they’re not billy-goats!

Goats are curious.

Did you know that goats are highly intelligent?  Most people think sheep are the smarter and more placid of the two types.  Actually, sheep stink.  Literally.  Goats do not.  And, sheep are dumb.  Nothing wrong with dumb, but in the case of sheep, dumb extends to an inability to relate to anything, be it human or animal, without intense anxiety.

Goats are loyal.

Since I’m getting ready to spend some time with my 90 year old Dad back home in Colorado, I’m needing some solidarity in addition to that of the Family.  A piece of delight and comfort all my own; something to take with me to hold in times of uncertainty.  Because elder care and end of life issues are always uncertain.  Not the philosophical issues, just the every-day living issues.

Dad is what everyone hopes to be when they reach 90.  Active, living independently in their own home; lookin’ pretty darn good.  Except for the intense loneliness of living without his lifemate of over 50 years, Dad’s doing well.  But all elder care issues are hard on the Family.

And that leads me back to my goofy goats.

I’ll be sending on my ‘Goat Suite Saga’ during my stay with Dad.  Revising, rewriting, rereading this collection of vignettes makes me smile.

I wish for you to smile along with me as they are posted for your enjoyment these next few weeks. And, yea, my Dad’s an old goofy goat of a guy!


  1. Liz Fountain

    I love the header photo; it looks a lot like our valley here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I traveled briefly in Bulgaria a few years ago and was chased by a goat who was with a herd of sheep. The sheep all started to follow the goat who was chasing me and then their shepherd/goatherd/big burly Bulgarian fella started yelling at me in Bulgarian. What could I do but wave, smile, claim “I’m an American, sorry!” and run on!
    And it helped solidify my love of goats. 🙂

    • laura

      Liz-Welcome! The header is of the Boulder part of what we call the ‘Front Range.’ I’m afraid when you live surrounded by these views 24/7, you take them for granted, even when you know it’s a special place to live…sigh. I love that big burly Bulgarian! HA! Have you posted anything about your times in Bulgaria?

  2. Anna Scott Graham

    Sheep are inordinately ignorant, but I didn’t know much about goats until reading this post! Well, I knew about billy goats, but… 🙂
    I’ll be thinking, and praying, for you and your dad; what a joy to be in such good health at 90, but yes, loneliness is an issue. May the visit, and the rewrites, bring much pleasure and peace!
    Goatpeace… 🙂

    • laura

      Ahh…blissful goatpeace…

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