The road ends, but the journey continues...

Just a simple endorsement

While we get ready for Dorian’s possible impact Wednesday/Thursday, I leave you with this image and a link to a well-articulated post regarding a slice of the world’s Reality by Alanna Pass.

You go, girl!

You go, girl!


  1. Andy

    Another inspirational youth.
    Not sure if that storm is heading towards you, if so hope you are all safe.

    • laura bruno lilly

      We’re getting off easy here in the Pee Dee region…just 60 miles inland from Myrtle Beach…not complaining!!!!!! Still have most of the day left before Dorian is supposed to move further north.
      And Greta is just one of many – huge sigh of relief from this member of the older generation…

  2. tierneycreates

    Hope you and your loved one stay safe! Sorry it is headed your way 🙁

    • laura bruno lilly

      Hey, Tierney, thanks for the well wishes.

  3. Janis

    Stay safe! Dorian seems to have lost some of his (her?) bluster, but I imagine it will still pack some wind and rain.

    • laura bruno lilly

      The real issue for us here in FloTown is afterwards with the storm surges…that is not to say wind and rain (which will begin in earnest tonight) isn’t a bit of a rough ride!

  4. Marty

    Perfect sentiment, Laura. It’s supposed to pass us tomorrow. I’m praying their projections of 80-90 miles from shore will still hold to be true. I’ll keep you in my thoughts as it passes us.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Marty…and I towards you and Gorgeous. It’s amazing what a difference a few miles one way or another makes on impact.

  5. Deborah Brasket

    My thoughts and prayers will be with you and yours as this storm approaches. God bless.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Deborah. Today is all sunny – it’s always a shocker when the storm appears seemingly out of nowhere…

  6. Ally Bean

    I wish you well and hope that everyone is okay. The houses and trees can be rebuilt and replanted, but people are one of a kind. I think this every fall when we get to hurricane season.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, very true Ally.

  7. Roseanne

    Hi Laura! I hope that the new path of Dorian takes you and your peeps out of harms way. Not that lots of rain isn’t bad enough. Stay safe. ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Roseanne.

  8. Laura

    May you, your loved ones, friends and neighbors all be safe, Laura! God bless!

    • laura bruno lilly

      May it be so…
      Thanks, Laura.

  9. L. Marie

    I pray that the impact will be much less than predicted. Be safe. Prayers are with you and your family.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank-you, L.Marie…

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