The road ends, but the journey continues...

Just sayin' (NaNo status post)

NaNoWriMo Winner 2014 banner

Won NaNoWriMo Sunday November 16th
Validated win Thursday November 20th
Will update word count as continue with my Rebellion through November 30th

Just sayin’



  1. Jerry Nine

    Bikes — at this point I ride a Goldwing! Love it! Got to ride a bit this past weekend! So much fun!

    • laura bruno lilly

      TWL is quite pleased to hear of your current riding situation. In fact, he’s a bit jealous as we sold the Vulcan during our between homes time and the dirt bikes are with Joe in Colorado… 😉
      However, there is definitely another bike out there with (our) his name on it…In His Time, eh?
      Take care and keep that helmet on, Jerry!

      • Jerry Nine

        Thanks! Always wear protection! And yea – next time you’re in Colo – let’s take a ride!

  2. Anna Scott Graham

    Many congrats, especially for such an expedited 50K! A victory worth savouring, indeed!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, buddy!
      Yeah, tho not done for the numbers (as you well know), it is a thrill to see the word count gain such momentum in that relatively short period of time. 😉

  3. Lillian Batarseh

    Wow! Congrats! A just reward.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you kindly…how goes the poetry?

      • Lillian Batarseh

        Thanks for asking. No word from the prospective publisher on the mother-in-law project in which I had an entry. Meanwhile, just sent off a “mess” of poems re an entry for the Carrie Nickens Poetry Fellowship (an annual competition sponsored by the S.C. Academy of Authors).
        Will not hold my breath for either one, but it is fun and challenging to try!

        • laura bruno lilly

          You’re an inspiration, Madame Lillian!

  4. Bob Cloud

    Congratulations! I’m looking forward to reading it. Since you are now a card carrying, certified rebel will you putting up pictures of you smoking cigarettes and ridin’ a Harley?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Ha! Good one, Bob.
      Fact is, we’re a bike family-dirt and street. Mostly Kawasaki (latest was the first Vulcan to grace the streets of Colorado) …but, sorry, never any Harleys! (and no smokes, either)
      Hubby brought the love & collection of bikes into the marriage, he even competed in NM dirt events in the ’70’s.
      Tho I rode a dorky Yamaha Mini-Enduro in the CO mountains back in the day 😀
      I know you fly, do you ride?

      • Bob Cloud

        I don’t ride anymore. Used to do off road stuff, long ago, similar to what your husband does. Story there but it takes way too much space to tell it here, but the condensed version is that while trailing down a dry creek I tried to climb out of the creek bed, lost control and the bike’s gas feed jammed open. The thing kept going up and down the creek bank, running over me twice before I could get it stopped. Also not flying anymore, which is probably a good thing.

        • laura bruno lilly

          Would love to see a story or two on your site about your dirt bike rides…just sayin’…

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