The road ends, but the journey continues...

Official Release Date & In the Meantime

Shortly after my previous post

…I set an official Release Date: 3/11/2022. I notified my digital distributor* for them to do what they do while I continued doing what I needed to do In the Meantime.

In the Meantime, I finished my Bandcamp storefront with a Pre-Order option for both digital and physical formats along with a free listen to the first movement of my Swimming with Swans: The Music – Goat Suite (Saga).

Pretty nifty, eh? Not just the music (!), but the fact that I can actually embed my Bandcamp music player here in a post on my WP site. Along with that you’ll notice I added a cool button that allows you to ‘Follow’ me there if you so desire.

Now about that Release Date. Yep. It’s still 3/11/2022 for all intents and purposes. However, my distribution service notified me that their side of things will be delayed…so they dropped the ball on the whole ‘release date’ thing as it applies to their delivery to on-line streaming & selling sites.

Oh well.

Because this is my music, my unveiling, my personal pinnacle of an announcement, I still claim 3/11/2022 as my release date. Sooooo…Friday is the party! My distro service may be late to that party, but eventually they will get my music out there where their services promised it to be distributed. I’ll let you know when I get updates on all of that.

In the Meantime, stay tuned here and on my Bandcamp site!

*cdbaby is the (paid for) distro service I’m using for them to send my Swimming with Swans: The Music – Goat Suite (Saga) to streaming & selling companies such as Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, etc. So my music is basically available free for the listening once they deliver the files to those platforms (and others) as well as being available for purchase on platforms such as iTunes, Amazon, etc. According to the latest update from cdbaby, there’s a delay on their end of things for a formal release on the 3/11/2022 date. All that means is that those sites won’t have it available for streaming/etc until whenever cdbaby gets their side of things cleared up. Nothing I can do about all of that – but darn!


  1. Jennie

    Hooray to you, Laura! There are always snafus, but your wonderful music is out there!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep! 😎

      • Jennie


  2. marissthequilter

    Oh you are remarkable! Am enjoying listening to your composition as I type this. How does it feel to be a Composer? Feels right that I read your post on your official release date

    • laura bruno lilly

      In answer to your question: really cool! I’ve composed many solo pieces and performed/recorded them, arranged many pieces for solo and ensemble and played in them – but this ensemble required myself and two others to perform and record the piece…and I was their ‘consultant’ as being the composer in residence so to speak! A different sort of perspective, for sure. Part of my obsession with finishing getting it scored out has been so that others can play it in ensemble, too!
      Anyway, thanks for taking the time to listen and continue cheering me on, Mariss!

    • laura bruno lilly

      In answer to your question: really cool! I’ve composed many solo pieces and performed/recorded them, arranged many pieces for solo and ensemble and played in them – but this ensemble required myself and two others to perform and record the piece…and I was their ‘consultant’ as being the composer in residence so to speak! A different sort of perspective, for sure. Part of my obsession with finishing getting it scored out has been so that others can play it in ensemble, too!
      Anyway, thanks for taking the time to listen and continue cheering me on, Mariss!

      • marissthequilter

        I am in awe of your musical accomplishments, oh Composer. I searched for you on Spotify and, while the Goat Suite is not yet loaded, I found a list of your works there.

        • laura bruno lilly

          Okay, so here’s the deal, alot of my stuff comes up when my full name gets googled. In that set of links, the ‘topic’ channel on YouTube has all the tracks of my first cd (2007) available for playback for free…including those with my (at the time, she’s since passed away) duo partner. Check it out (Spotify has all those pieces from my ‘unexpected’ album, but wrongly separated my solos from the duos, a complicated thing that happens all the time to DIY artists) It’s been out there like forever so…ENJOY! What a delight to hear of your new-to-you discoveries.
          PS-thank you for your kind compliments.

          • marissthequilter

            Have been listening to the Spotify list as I wind down for bed. It’s very easy on the ear. That’s a compliment from a musical ignoramus

          • laura bruno lilly

            Compliment heartily accepted! Have a good night’s sleep, Mariss.

  3. Jane's Heartsong

    I will check out the full album on Friday. I did download the Bandcamp app, I am happy to support artists this way, admit that it is the first time for me. I am posting notice of your album release on my Facebook page.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Fantastic! I’m not on Facebook, so that’s a great gesture! Thanks Jane…I’m surprised at how many are unaware of discovering new/varied/quality music via Bandcamp…so glad to introduce you to this platform and VERY happy to know your interest in supporting artists in this manner.

  4. Khaya Ronkainen

    Yep, it’s pretty nifty. I’m impressed. Congrats once again, and have a blast celebrating this wonderful achievement! <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks again for your support and congrats on holding the title of “First Person to Pre-Order” my GS(S)!!!!!

  5. cedar51


    hard to understand why there is a delay, it’s not like they are shipping an actual product. that I would understand.

    none the less, good things often just take time

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, it is a puzzlement…but there it is.
      Thanks for your encouragement, Catherine!

  6. Janis @

    Very exciting! Your little intro made me want to hear more.

    • laura bruno lilly

      That, my dear Janis, is exactly what I hoped would happen! HA! Thanks for your interest in my little Goat Suite (Saga).

  7. Jane's Heartsong

    Congratulations! I am sincerely happy for you.If I follow then I buy from the Bandcamp?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Not necessary to follow…just click the “X” to “x” out of following when it asks then continue…I appreciate your willingness to check it out, Jane!

  8. Laura

    Congratulations! Woohoo for Friday! Very exciting! 🙂

  9. petespringerauthor

    I wish you could see my enormous smile right now, Laura. I didn’t know about your project, and I’m so proud of you for making it come to fruition. I am all about supporting anyone chasing their dream because I’m doing the same. Way to make it happen! I was able to listen to your beautiful intro but not parts 2 and 3. (Perhaps that’s the way it is supposed to be?) Anyway, I’ll definitely be a purchaser when this comes out. You go, girl!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I can feel your smile, Pete – I love it when smiles just happen, ya know? Yes, Part one is the teaser so to speak, then once it’s officially released, all three movements can be listened to for free on Bandcamp (three times in a row is the limit until ‘they’ inform you that maybe you should consider buying it…part of that platform’s approach)
      Thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm for my work.

  10. Chela's Colchas y Mas

    Congratulations! This is so exciting!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Chela, will you and your kazoo-ers join me in celebrating?!
      Thank you for taking the time to read & listen – it means alot to me.

      • Chela's Colchas y Mas

        Oooh…that would be fun!

        • laura bruno lilly

          Now – that only proves you’re my kinda gal! Kazoo to your heart’s content and I guarantee I’ll hear you guys tomorrow all the way from there to here!

          • Chela's Colchas y Mas

            My friend’s dog run under the bed when we start playing!

          • laura bruno lilly

            That’s hilarious!

  11. Ally Bean

    You’re making progress. Yay!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for the cheers. I’m nothing if not stalwart. (Just felt good using that word, Ms Bean)

  12. piecefulwendy

    Well, this is very exciting! Congratulations! Sorry to hear about the delay, but hope it will all come together soon!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Even if distribution is ‘piecemeal’ – we as quilters, are both used to dealing with a little piecing here and there! HA!
      Thanks for the congrats, Wendy.

  13. LA


    • laura bruno lilly

      Thankyou, LA, my NYC blogger-bud!

      • LA


      • LA

        I saw yo yo ma, Emanuel ax, and Leonidas Kavakos perform Beethoven last night…

        • laura bruno lilly


          • LA

            Just gorgeous

          • laura bruno lilly

            Did he end with the Ukrainian National Anthem? I noticed (via the news) he’s been playing it as an extra piece inserted into his programs during these times.

          • LA

            Started with it. Beautiful

          • laura bruno lilly

            Just got tingles down my spine after reading your response…class act, YoYo is.

          • LA


  14. L. Marie

    Yay! I’m glad you posted this so I can send people to this post to listen!! Your music is so lovely, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank-you L.Marie! I’ll be working on those questions for sure over the weekend if not sooner…I’m a turtle when it comes to stuff like that, even if I’m an enthusiastic and excited turtle.

  15. rl2b2017

    NIFTY?!! I am so proud of you, Laura. Friday is THE big day. That is so exciting, too. {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      HA! Yep ‘nifty’…I wonder if that’s a throwback to my midwestern roots? Thanks a bunch for your quilty scrunch (as in a rhyming way to say ‘hug’).

      • rl2b2017

        I’m not pre-ordering but I’ll be back to purchase on the 11th. It’s a great day for you and my little Colt will be two. Exciting for all involved!

        • laura bruno lilly

          Let the party begin on Friday – Colt can dance to the music of the Goat Suite (Saga) along with the Birthday song! HA!
          A little preview – the music is dedicated to a young girl (we were considered her GreatAunt&GreatUncle) barely 2 and a half when she died…That snippet of a story is for another time on this here blog for sure.

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