The road ends, but the journey continues...

One breezy afternoon in April

One breezy afternoon in April – in the days before it gets too hot and humid…

…hubby and I trekked to the new soccer fields/trails on the outskirts of town to play in the great spacey outdoors

we each took turns taking sneaky photos of each other

…then packed it all up and called it a day!

Wishing us all times like these to refresh our souls and replenish our spirits.


  1. Janis @

    That looks like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. It looks like you had the whole field to yourselves. Nice photos!

    • laura bruno lilly

      It was and we did!

  2. Khaya Ronkainen

    Laura, I love everything about this post. Making time to play is important in these stressful times, and downright romantic too. 🙂 Bravo to you and your hubby!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I like the part about it being romantic…funny, isn’t it?

  3. That looks like a wonderful day out! How wonderful to get a clip of what you were strumming on the guitar!

  4. Marie A Bailey

    Indeed, a lovely way to spend a beautiful day 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      I’m honored you dropped by, Marie. I liked your rose photo, BTW!

  5. cedar51

    We are in Autumn in New Zealand, I’ve a bit of a set route where the curb side green part has mainly oak trees and the concrete walkways are littered in leaves, feels like they are blankets for the soon be cold concrete as winter will come by some time soon. I get out more in winter as it’s cooler and layers can be abandoned as my feet walk the pavements.
    At the same time, I have so many creative things to do indoors, I often forget to take that walk…today, Saturday I went out earlier than normal, that won’t be again – too many dogs, their owners and people parked up at sports fields… Of course those people are not around come M-F so maybe it’s a good time, after school goes in for the day.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I love walking through leaves…and I think you’re right about your walking route being less populated during M-F.

  6. Jennie

    Just perfect! This is the kind of day that fills the soul.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Very true!

      • Jennie


  7. Andy

    Love the surreptitious snaps!
    And also the serendipity described in your email. Hope you heal soon to be playing again.
    Speaking of serendipity, I’ve been meaning to post of a few ‘coincidences’ that have fed I to each other recently. Maybe next week.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Andy. I look forward to your coincidental future post…enjoy your weekend!

  8. Ally Bean

    You look like you had fun. I haven’t been outside in a field like that in year. I like your idea of finding ways to refresh your soul and replenish your spirit. I should make that more of a priority.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh yeah, do try! Even going out for an icecream cone (in my case a Freddy’s choc frozen custard shake!) and taking a drive works.

  9. Chela

    We need to take time to enjoy the moment and reboot, I’m on a 5 day quilt retreat in Kerrville. We start each day with a walk by the river.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Fantastic! Your retreat sounds like something that will fill your soul & senses to the brim. Much needed for you, Chela.


    My great grandson will join his 7th grade classmates, kayak down the Colorado a short distance. I body swam/floated in the Hudson near Manhattan at his age. That’s why I FAILED Guitar 101. And kite flying, lazing on grass. Hope you don’t have t
    o deal with carpal tunnel as do I.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh Joe, I’m surprised you didn’t go over the Falls in a barrel, too!

  11. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    Looks like an ideal day, Laura…relaxing, spending time together in the beautiful weather, a kite, a guitar. There should be more days like this! <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Absolutely agree!

  12. Jane's Heartsong

    Looks like a great day and yes, I too am going out soon, but for birding. Sitting in a park playing music and flying a kite-both fun! Wish you many more days together like this. I also followed your flash-back to Stevie and commented there.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Enjoy your time out in the great wide open, Jane!

  13. zippyquilts

    A wonderful way to welcome spring!

    • laura bruno lilly

      It’s since rained – more like Carolina Spring Weather – and things have greened up. But I have to admit, the dryer weather has been balm to this Colorado gal and New Mexican guy!

  14. Marty

    That looks like a perfect day indeed. Did I spy a Beatles “Magical Mystery Tour” t-shirt there? 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Good eye, Marty, good eye!

  15. marissthequilter

    May your wish return to you seventy times seven

    • laura bruno lilly

      …and splash over the ocean(s) to you, too!
      Thank-you most kindly, Mariss – wishes are like that, aren’t they?

  16. Laura

    What a great reminder to channel the child within and play! I love this! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re so right, Laura. We must all remember to ‘play on!’ And, if necessary, give ourselves formal permission to do so – HA!

  17. rl2b2017

    Hi Laura! Flying a kite lately must have been a breeze – I just had to go there! It looks like a fabulous day for the park and some sunshine. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      LOL! Good one, Roseanne!

  18. piecefulwendy

    Looks like a fun time was had by all!

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