…Ten Day Run.

I’ll bet you thought this was gonna be about a mega-marathon. Better yet, about me training and then actually running one of those events. HA!

Or maybe just an announcement of a 10 day-in-a-row blogging challenge that never happened.

None of the above.

It has been a fun run of Palindromic Dates, however!

Littering the calendar landscape from January 20th through January 29th, these dates read the same forward and backward. That is to say iff (since we’re in a sort of Math Realm, I thought the abbreviation for the Math term of ‘if and only if’ to be appropriate herein) one writes dates in the month/day/year format.

1/20/21 = 12021 both ways through to today’s 1/29/21 = 12921 both ways.

I love this sort of stuff, sorry to see it go for now.

Did you know: the USA’s Inauguration Day date of January 20th won’t be up as a Palindrome Date for another 1000 years?