It’s been 2 weeks since my latest ToDoTuesday post. It’s nice to be back for a check-in. Thanks, Roseanne for sponsoring this opportunity to participate each week!
My creativity trinity* is as follows: fiber art – MUSIC – writing. Each is intertwined with the other, offering needful respites between projects which in turn aid in the completion of various Works-In-Progress as new perspectives appear from such respites. Ultimately, it’s all about the music but tracking fiber art Works-In-Progress is lots easier to communicate in such a setting as this – hence the linky-party connection.
(A Reminder of) My goals for the week of August 27th through September 3rd:
- Finish “Christmas Medley” and start another NOTION score-edit piece √
- Finish PFWHK vertical quilting, start 3-D portion of project, figure out something special to add to PF’s eye (button, sequins?) √
- Enjoy a time to snuggle down and read newest novel(s) √
- If it’s cool enough (big IF), share some porch-time with hubby and a glass of Chardonnay (me), Beaujolais (him) √
Ahemmm, all those 2-week-old items have check marks after them. Yes, they are Done!
As mentioned before, a dedicated post is forthcoming on the score-editing process, but for now, suffice it to say “Christmas Medley” is finished with another score-edit begun and close to being finished.
As for the PFWHK. I discovered my favorite binding clips worked well in keeping this small project neatly rolled up while finishing the vertical quilting and adding the 3-D feathers to the piece.
The instructions on how to attach those 3-D feathers to the Pink Flamingo Body were spotty at best, so I devised my own method. Instead of pinning (as suggested) the stiff triangles onto the quilted thickness of the PFWHK, I used the ¼ quilters tape to hold them in place. Also suggested was to straight stitch them ‘close to the edge’.

Yet another use for 1/4 inch tape – holding 3D feathers in place during blanket stitching on machine
Instead, I used a blanket stitch. This covered the exposed raw edge of the 3-D feathers, adding strength as well as a more finished look to the overall application.
I have to say, I am thrilled with the way the ‘double’ batting experiment is unfolding. It handles well under the needle and is beginning to show promise as a desirable aesthetic (enough weight to hang well, with enough poofyness to show off quilting details).
ToDo for the week of September 10th through September 16th:
- Add sequin detail to eye on PFWHK and apply binding.
- Get ready for out-of-town trip
*a term I invented recently
Great adjustments on your flamingo quilt, I love the texture of the feather pieces, and your solution to attaching them. Thanks for linking to Colour & Inspiration Tuesday.
Thanks for the kudos!
Your flamingo is a delight. Those 3-D feathers are wonderful. Good job.
I like the term you’ve coined. I need to figure out what my creativity trinity is and then apply myself to focusing on those activities within the context of this term. It sounds so classy when you say it.
Thank you kindly!
I noticed the rather discreet ticks. Well done, person of many talents. Those 3D feathers are impressive and the PF obviously enjoys flaunting them.
HA! Too true! (about the flaunting)
Love the flamingo detailing
Yep agree with “assumed knowledge” re instructions…whereby words left out because everyone knows the next step!
I figured you’d ‘get it’ Catherine.
Keep on crafting!
That’s a mighty fine flamingo, and she looks particularly fine with her 3D feathers. I think she is admiring them too!
LOL. 😀
You’re so right, Anne, about the self-admiration…kind of in character for her species I think!
Amazing how some batting changes the look.
Good eye, Jane. But then, you’re a photographer and a birder to boot!
I adore your quilt! Flamingos are so fabulous anyway but that one is especially wonderful. I really like the 3D pieces too… really nice! I’ve purchased a few non-mainstream patterns also – mostly to make purses/bags – and often find the instructions confusing. I think there is a lot of assumed knowledge… they really need to have someone who hasn’t made the pattern before beta test the instructions.
I agree…I came to that questionable area with a backlog of experience to fall back on but I wondered about true newbies and how they’d cope.
The idea of using newbies as beta testers on pieces that are truly supposed to be for ‘beginners’ is a niche that is wide open.
Hopefully you’ll share your adventures in fabric/pattern selections on your blog????
Oh, good idea… I’m working on a cross-body bag for my upcoming travels.
Great way to tie in multiple themes in one blog post (series?)…I look forward to reading about both the cross-body bag and your upcoming travels.
Love the creativeness in overcoming instruction (or lack thereof) issues! The flamingo is such a cute project!
Congrats on completing your to-do list! That is not always an easy thing to do; stuff happens.
I know nothing about music, so I shall be interested in your future post about ‘Christmas Medley’.
I am also getting ready for a trip, hence the reason (plus the day job) for thinking that I won’t make the deadline for the quilt along that I am working on. So…I have got to get off this pc and make the most of what time that I do have. 🙂
Before we get too busy…have to let you know your use of blanket stitch recently brought this idea to the forefront of my mind…I’d almost forgotten about that handy little machine stitch!
Thanks, lady
Hi Laura! I love seeing the check marks on your list! That was a great idea about the flamingo feathers, and I totally agree with using the buttonhole/blanket stitch. I think it looks much neater using that rather than just a plain straight stitch. Those feathers are so cute anyway – they really give the feel and finish off the flamingo. What a great idea to use double batting for your hanging. I can think of a couple that I wish I had thought of it and did it myself. Thanks again for linking up . . . and safe travels. ~smile~ Roseanne
It’s always fun to ‘link-up’ with you, Roseanne!
The flamingo looks great. Have you ever tried basting with Elmers school glue to keep things in place for sewing? Congrats on completing your to do list.
thanks, Denise.
I’ve heard of using the purple glue stick for such an application, but never tried it before. Biggest concern would be how to get it off the fabric when done.
That blanket is gorgeous, Laura. Nice job on your goals. How did you make those little check marks? 🙂
Go to your ‘add new post’ section of your dashboard and click on the ‘omega’ symbol. It will open up various special symbols for use in your text. Find the ‘square root’ symbol and click on it wherever you want it to go. I BOLD it cuz it’s very skinny typeface.
I have to admit, as a Math major back in the day, using a square root sign for a make shift check mark kindof goes against the grain – but it works!
I have a ‘tick’ in my list of emojis. I use a MacBook, so…Safari, Edit, scroll down the end to Emojis and Symbols, scroll through for the tick.
A real ‘tick’…imagine that! Thanks for sharing another method of acquiring one.
Your flamingo is so bright and fun – I love the 3-D feathers. Looks like the way you decided to attach them worked perfectly!
The construction of the 3-D feathers are a technique learned from the kit and I’ll apply that to future bits in my own original blocks, I think.
Thanks for stopping by, Diann!
Goodness you are on a roll Laura. I love your quilting. Gorgeous.
Thank you, Brigid. Because this is a kit (no need to construct the top!), I am able to explore the more fun aspects of my craft – like machine quilting techniques and such.
Love the pinks you chose! Looks beautiful! You’re doing well on it, despite the spottiness of the instructions–a constant frustration in many crochet patterns.
Thank,L.Marie…and yeah, what is it about incomplete instructions? Usually right in the middle of a particularly tricky part of the pattern, too.