The road ends, but the journey continues...

39 Years is A Loooong Time: lots of years to grow stronger and in love together

As I sit here sipping the last of my Pinot Noir from dinner, the eve of our Wedding Anniversary, I’m reflecting on 39 years of marriage to the same hunk of a man, my TWL. As mentioned before in a previous post, he’s my James Taylor of a guy back in the day when we first met and has morphed into my stalwart protector, staunchest supporter of my (he)art and deepest devoted Father and Grandfather of our progeny.

TWL is the ‘name’ we jokingly refer to in e-mails and snail mails to each other, letters defining his initials. It is also part of the name of a solo classical guitar piece I composed and dedicated to him on the first Christmas (out of three) during our between homes experience:ย Gift: for TWL (actually performed in context with the Goodwill Cultural Center Swimming with Swans: the music program presented on June 3rd).

In honor of our 39th I present to you a favorite youtube representing one of his special passions: sailing. Keep in mind that the video shows ‘motoring’ rather than actual sailing, regardless of the sung lyrics!

Enjoy and celebrate with us.

Ormai la frittata รจ fatta!



  1. Zambian Lady

    Congratulations on your anniversary.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for stopping by and celebrating with us!

  2. Shannon|MSnubutterflies

    Congratulations! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Shannon!

  3. Joan and Family

    Happy 39th to you and Terry! We love you guys!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh wow! A visit from the gang…what a treat!
      Thanks for the good wishes and love, will be seeing you guys soon.

  4. Janis

    Happy anniversary! It’s lovely that you have your sweetheart and biggest fan by your side as you sail through life.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Janis. And now that we both have our special Parks Passes (thanks to your notification post) we have lots of inexpensive places yet to explore!
      (BTW: I get the ‘sail’ reference…)

  5. Andy

    Congratulations on your thirty-nine years of marriage.
    I am curious now to how you are going to mark your forty years. Even though I guess
    I’ll be last to know ๐Ÿ™‚

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for taking a peek at the earlier referenced post…while I mentioned the James Taylor look-alike, his tastes ran more towards Procol Harem (found a great vintage vid here that you might like since it’s classic – shot in London circa 1970?)

      • Andy

        I love Whiter Shade Of Pale. John Lennon used to have the record (as in the bonafide vinyl copy) playing in the back of his chauffeur driven car back in the Beatles days. I’m guessing in ’67-a great time for music.

        • laura bruno lilly

          Oh I can just see the old record player in the ‘boot’ of the limo…that chauffeur would have to be light on the gas and gentle on those brakes to insure no skipping of the music! HA!
          I noticed on that youtube the intricate details of the fabric on their nehru jackets and such…oh to have those scraps for my quilting pleasure!

          • Andy


  6. Becky

    Congratulations! I’m toasting you with my own lovely glass of Pinot Noir. Wishing you many more happy years together.

  7. Quirky Girl

    Happiest of anniversaries to you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, quirky girl…I hope to read of your 39th in future years (I’ll bet I’ll be in stitches!)

  8. Sue Ranscht

    Congratulations on this milestone in your journey together, Laura. I am in awe of couples who live up to their vows to nurture their marriage for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, till death. Happy Anniversary to you both, and many more to come! It’s a great story, and you deserve all the happiness you can stand. ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for taking the time to reflect on our ‘story’ in the midst of all that’s out there clamouring to be heard….

  9. L. Marie

    Happy anniversary, Laura! Thirty-nine years! Wow. So awesome! Definitely celebrating with you. ๐Ÿ˜€ I think we need to see more stories of marriages to remind us that yes some people are happily married.
    Loved that video! I took a boat ride the other day with two friends, so it was nice to see this video. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • laura bruno lilly

      Linda: you are a sweetheart…thank you for celebrating with us!
      Thinking of you gliding atop Lake Michigan…(even if that’s not the lake where your boat ride occurred!)
      peace always

  10. Jo Maxwell

    Congratulations, what a wonderful to celebrate!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Ahhh, grazie, tutti!

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