The road ends, but the journey continues...

Goat Yoga – MamaGoat, TerryScape and Larry woulda loved this!

Saturday, I introduced the public to my ‘Goats in the Garden at Midnight by the Light of the Full Moon’ experience. Complete with slides, commentary, creative process steps, hands-on musical demos and a ‘performance’ of my Goat Suite as the Finale.
It was a huge success! (with much for me to contemplate for further improvements on the presentation as a whole)
I thought this video would be the perfect ‘placeholder’ until a thoughtful article is completed on my first SwS project presentation.
FYI: Dodger in the video is a Boer Goat, as were MamaGoat, TerryScape and Larry (and Tater)

Enjoy this slice of goat bliss – ommmmm!



  1. Agness of Fit Travelling

    Goat yoga sounds amazing! Loved your video!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Having lived with goats for a time, this combo is a natural! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Anna Scott Graham

    I loved this video, and wish I could have been with you for your presentation, but my love and prayers for a beautiful day were sent amid watching The Burrito. 😉

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, ‘goats are good!’
      Your vibes were felt on June 3rd here in SC…it was a gorgeous day! Will post a photo soon.

  3. L. Marie

    Oh Laura! I’m so glad it was a success. I never doubted that it would be. You’re a wonderfully talented musician. Um, was the presentation recorded for YouTube or anything? Are you going to do another presentation?
    The goats in the video are adorable!!!

    • laura bruno lilly

      You and a few others mentioned the ‘need’ to record it…I surrendered to the idea when it was pointed out clips could be used for future grant proposals…A friend did a vid on her iPhone and we’ll see how it comes out. (She’s on a vacay right now and I told her to take her time in getting it to me)
      The presentation itself is a sort-of WIP and I’m using it as a template for future programs – altered, adjusted as needs dictate and as I get further along in the actual recording of the music.
      As a writer, you are well aware of the inner need to share the creative process behind that of your work – but it’s not always appropriate or possible to do so. In this case, I was encouraged to do so and it was very gratifying as well as thrilling to see the audience (most of whom had no musical background) totally engaged!
      Thanks for asking!

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