The road ends, but the journey continues...

6 years on

It’s official. I’ve been registered with WP for 6 years. I signed up and worked on my website/blog starting in July 2013 then pubbed my first post, Why Blog? Why Now? on August 30, 2013.

Bloggoversaries come and go. Case in point: last year’s was all but forgotten! This year, I thought I’d celebrate by posting a little something for 6 days in a row. Starting now! And no, they are not already written and ‘scheduled’ for automatic pubbing on the blog. I just came up with this idea and am gonna wing it.
We’ll see how it goes – meanwhile, enjoy this vid on day one of 6 years on

Note: I chose this as it’s Monday Morning Friendly, with a message that is timeless…


  1. Andy

    I’m only just catching up after my blogging problems.
    I had an anniversary last month that I also ignored-my 1,000th post.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Welcome back!
      Congrats on 1000! Wow!

  2. Janis

    Congrats on your anniversary! Who knew when we started that we’d still be here, huh? I look forward to reading whatever you come up with over the next few days… it’s always interesting.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, and I still need to do those updates/upgrades which are required before I can do a revamp/remodel of the website!!!!
      We’re still here – loud and strong and way cooool.

  3. Jill Weatherholt


    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Jill. I know you’re up there in years, too (heh-heh, blogging wise)!!!!

  4. Marty

    Six years is an accomplishment, so congrats!
    I enjoyed reading your first post too. I think everyone sort of has to explain things in a first post, which you did very well. I especially liked the “everybody and their uncle” strands. 🙂
    I look forward to your daily posts this week. You have more energy than moi!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Then you ‘get it!’ Very gratifying for me to know even 6 years later – HA! Thanks, Marty.
      I don’t know about the energy thing, but I am motivated to break outta the rut.

  5. Lisa


  6. Roseanne

    Congrats Laura to six great years! ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks! See you in tomorrow’s post! Tuesday’s linky worked out well for my ‘6 posts in a row’ idea!

  7. Ally Bean

    Nice choice for background music as I read this post. Congrats on you blogversary! May you have many more.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re still the Dean of Blogs, lady!

      • Marty


  8. Mariss Stevens

    Thank you for the moment of sunlight. Congratulations on your six years of blogging — quite a feat

    • laura bruno lilly

      ‘Moment of sunlight’, lovely phrase, Mariss.
      Thanks for the congrats.
      I hope you’ve come back to the sewing table filled to the brim with inspiration from your quilter’s retreat.

  9. Jane Chesebrough

    Nice start to the week, thank-you.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Hey Jane – have yourself a good one – may it be filled with many photo ops!

  10. Savoring Sixty

    How fun you have been able to keep at it six years! I enjoy your post and looking forward to many more in the future!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you…I also look forward to your posts – very thought provoking.

  11. Robert G Cloud

    Perfect intro to your posting adventure. Congratulations on your posting anniversary. Your comments to other bloggers posts during that time have been tremendous and helpful and were the reason many continued to conduct their own blogs. Here’s to ‘wingin’ it’.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Whoa…if I had use of the ’embarrassed/surprised’ emoji, it’d be placed on this response, Bob. You are too kind.

  12. L. Marie

    Happy Blogoversary, Laura!!!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, L.Marie!

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