The road ends, but the journey continues...

find the flaw in the fabric

Havin’ a great time with my guys hangin’ around…It’s a funny thing, I’ve gotten a lot of stuff done even with the extra re-focus on providing regularly scheduled and substantial meals.
I’ve found snippets of quality time between meal prep to tweek grant wording and mull over certain sections yet to be written. My days are peppered with long walks with my son, engaging in family banter, and havin’ a great time with my hubby and son hangin’ around…

About ‘find the flaw in the fabric’: Yep, it’s another blogging placeholder, hope you enjoy it.
During my computer monitor’s time off, I place lengths of fabric over it to make it seem less intrusive in my creative space. Lately, this fabric has been staring me in the face. It seems fitting as it represents shared family memories of when us 7 (Ma & Dad, me & hubby and our 3 kiddos) toodled around London, Paris, Rome, with a spattering of New York thrown in for good measure. And then it dawned on me: there’s a flaw in the content of the fabric picture…can you find it? Please let me know in the comment section below…

london, paris, rome, (new york) fabric

yeah, it’s out of focus…your phone camera is better than my old digital…but the flaw is easily seen regardless.


  1. Jane Chesebrough

    oh shoot, I read the comments so now I see it but doesn’treally count. Glad you had a great day with family.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for stopping by, Jane!

  2. L. Marie

    Hi. Sorry! I had trouble seeing some of the buildings. I couldn’t tell what the tall one next to the Coliseum happened to be. Also, I’ve only been to New York. I haven’t been to Rome, London, or Paris. I know the Statue of Liberty is on Liberty Island, rather than in New York.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I’m not a New Yorker, so I wonder how the natives view that observation about Ms Liberty…
      And as for that tall one next to the Coliseum, seems like your intuition is kicking in as you’re definitely on the right track. 😉

  3. Martha

    Is it really the Leaning Tower of Rome?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Bin-go! Martha, you really are too cool.

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