The road ends, but the journey continues...

Holy Week 2016

Yesterday’s Palm Sunday marked the start of Holy Week – the last week of Lent and the week preceding Easter. It is a time for reflection and commemoration of the Passion of Christ for those of us who are followers of the Prince of Peace.palm sunday quote

palmetto fronds

palmetto fronds


saw-palmetto leaf: the artistry of His Creation

This year, I realized the connection between Sunday’s palm fronds to the area where we are currently living: the Palmetto State of South Carolina. Not a spiritual connection, but one that helps me to see some inter-connectedness in my personal life and this place – well, at least its flora.
That said, I thought I’d use this liturgical timeline as a means to express some thoughts I believe reflect the heart of Christ’s message.  I’ll be sticky-noting some quotes/images from this blog’s archives that reflect those thoughts* and maybe come up with a new post when all is said and done.
*just scroll down to view them as I (re)post them over the course of this week.
(click here & here for the two I selected)


  1. Deborah Brasket

    Wish I had taken the time to reflect more this past week on the risen Christ and what that means for me and mine. But it’s never too late to do that, starting today, Easter Sunday.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I wish for you peaceful renewal as you do so…

  2. Deborah Brasket

    Wish I had take more time to reflect on the risen Christ this week and what it means for me and mine. But there’s no better moment than the present and the weeks to come.

  3. Donna

    Palms are nice plants. I enjoy them when in warm climates and have a few in my home as houseplants.

    • laura bruno lilly

      We’ve lived in several places with mostly non-native palms (New Mexico and California) but here, the Palmetto is unique in that it’s a native plant and so intertwined in the history of this state…Never knew those cannon balls just bounced off the palmetto-wooden structures!!! Very interesting to me, that!

  4. Jane Chesebrough

    I am momentarily enjoying unemployment as an opportunity to take the time to reflectively journey through Holy Week. Thanks for the photos and ” sticky notes”.

    • laura bruno lilly

      The challenges of being unemployed are myriad…it seems right now you are able to use it to your advantage, though I know it’s still hard…(speaking from experience)
      May your reflections during this time bring you hope and peace…

  5. L. Marie

    How lovely, Laura! It is indeed Holy Week! What an interesting connection, especially in light of Palm Sunday!
    My church had a great Palm Sunday service. I hope you have a joyful week and a lovely Easter. He is risen!

    • laura bruno lilly

      He is risen indeed!

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