The road ends, but the journey continues...

I am being a rebel

Today, Friday the 8th, starting at 2:45 pm EST, I am being a rebel.  In NaNoWriMo lingo this means, among other things, writing a non-fiction WIP for submission in the month long challenge.
In order to get out a blog post, I realized I’d need to write a proper blog posting during my nano time.  I got it into my head that in order to keep pace with my writing, I’d then include it in my daily word count for submission in the month long challenge.  In the NaNo world, fiction and non-fiction do not mix.  Hence, the rebel aspect to my nanoing this year.
What was I thinking?  Am I caffeine deprived or just immune to its effects on this 8th day of writing frantically?  Overwhelmed by guilt, I retract my rebel word count plans.
This is my second year of nanoing, but my first year of blogging.  I seem to have life’s routine down for the month of NaNo, but not so the rules of blogging.
In the blogger world, it is stressed that the single most important thing for maintaining a ‘following’ apart from delivering quality content, is to stay on a fairly consistent blogging schedule.
So, here I am being a rebel.  Well, semi-rebel because I only thought it, but didn’t do it.  And I’m finding I’m pretty rotten at it.  I’m not convinced this is a quality blog posting, but feel the pressure to post something today as it’s been two weeks since my last posting.
I’ve got to think that God gets a kick out us humans trying to deal with all of the small stuff…and this really is only small stuff.
Since beginning this website – blog, I have managed to post something each week – week and a half regardless of the circumstances.  This includes entries made during Colorado’s 1000 year flood and my visiting, packing and moving of my 90 year old Dad into his new Independent Living apartment.
How could I let my great track record slip after all these landmark events occurred?  NaNo is a biggie, but surely I can swing this once a week blog writing gig through this event, too.
Unfortunately, all I come up with as subject matter is 1) what I did at the horse show or 2) what I did all day doing nano.  I mean, is that really quality blogging material?
Yes, I could post a previously written vignette.  I attempted to do that with my Goat Suite Saga during my month in Colorado with Dad.  Even though many of those pieces are in final draft, I realized that there was still a lot of work involved in getting them ready to post.  So nix that idea.
Because I am in the throes of nano, my brain is fairly fried when it comes to having to focus on other types of writing.  Ask my editing clients.  They know that if they want a quality edit, they better not push for it during the month of NaNo…and in all honesty, they are perfect angels when it comes to giving me space to nano instead of focus on their WIP’s.  However, I’m not so sure nano-space is allowed in the blogger-sphere!
I did consider doing mini NaNo updates as my weekly blog posting, but didn’t want to bore my precious ‘following’ and thus jeopardize my new blogger relationship with them, er, you. Besides, how many things can one say about the day’s word count without re-writing what was written?
For the record, I’m loving my NaNoWriMo novel.  The unfolding of the characters as they actualize into real fictional people is truly a magical experience.  The few choice phrases of perfect prose, exhilarating.  And the progression of an idea born out of stardust one evening, bursting into the scene in full nova splendor, well, it doesn’t get any better than that.


  1. Anna Scott Graham

    This post works just fine for me! 🙂
    And rules are definitely made to be broken. I think God appreciates our attempts to sort the small stuff; it’s what life is mostly made of.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for the smiley…3011 words today, a personal best.

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