The road ends, but the journey continues...

It's that time of year: NaNoWriMo's just around the corner

NaNoWriMo participant 2014 bannerAt the stroke of midnight, October 31st, 2014, I will embark upon my third NaNoWriMo.  This year, I’ll be doing what I wanted to do my first NaNo: focusing on completing my non-fiction WIP (Swimming with Swans) for submission in this month long challenge.

In NaNoWriMo lingo this means, I am being a rebel.
Basically, NaNoWriMo’s rules are to write 50,000 words in 30 days, starting the writing from scratch, amassing word count from November 1st through the 30th, and writing in the fiction genre of one’s choice.  Because NaNoWriMo is geared towards penning a work of fiction from start to finish in 30 days, I heartily recommend anyone doing NaNoWriMo for the first time to do it ‘right.’  That way, all the resources, support systems, fun and informative pep-talks directly relate to the totality of the NaNo-ing experience.
My own first NaNo was exhilarating. Never having written an entire chapter of a novel much less the whole dang thing, I jumped in with eyes wide open and did it. Needless to say, it was a challenge but I got much more out of it by not being a rebel even if I pretty much pantsed* that one.
The NaNoWriMo bug bit me hard.  I loved delving into fiction so much, I tackled my second NaNo with an outline in hand, adding planning* to my basic pantster approach.  Both years yielded two NaNo Drafts I could sink my teeth into and edit/revise.
This year, I feel I have earned the right to rebel and focus on that original still in-progress non-fic mss along with some other stuff to add word count- HA!  Essentially, I am using this year’s NaNo time to complete my Swimming with Swans project integrating my musical compositions alongside the vignettes.  This expanded version is a project I’ve had in mind for some time.
In fact, I have coined a term I hope to get credit for if it indeed becomes a true new writing genre: Musical Non-Fiction.
We’ll see.
Meanwhile, I’m off to the ‘NaNo Rebels’ forum on the NaNoWriMo site to declare my status.  Yes, there’s a place for rebels in the world of NaNo.
*panster & planner- NaNo terms describing writing approaches


  1. Anna Scott Graham

    Oh I just LOVE that Musical Non-Fiction term, love love love it!! I’ll be cheering you on this month; go rebel go!!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh Anna, I knew you’d get it.
      This week I’ll be working on outlining a schedule for time spent on writing words, writing notes and the entering of words in WORD and the notes in NOTION. Being a rebel means also coming up with a word counter translator system!!!HA!
      Guess that ‘serious series’ is kindof on hold for now. 😉

  2. Oliver

    Intriguing project indeed Laura! Haven’t heard of “NaNoWriMo” before and it looks pretty constructive. I bookmarked it for that year in the future where I’m not grinding days in the office treadmill and my mind would be “light” enough to pen something like that…
    Best of luck for your rather “rebellious” approach and the “Musical Non-Fiction” as well!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Welcome! Thank-you for the well-wishes on my rebellion.
      So glad to have introduced you to the possibilities that exist within the NaNo World!
      Enjoy the rest of this fabulous month…

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