The road ends, but the journey continues...

October’s Almost Over

But before it slips away, I have two things to say...

coffeebean birthstone

#1 – October is my birth month, I hereby claim a dual birthstone – the traditional, beloved opal alongside the lowly, but highly charged coffee bean!

#2 – Boo! From me to you…

…and with a little help from my neighbors.


  1. Andy

    Glad you had a good birthday.
    Halloween passed with a whimper, here. We lost Easter, and Christmas is under threat too.

    • laura bruno lilly

      -sigh- I know…but the gift of our loved ones ‘still alive’ is the best gift of all this Christmas – I know you understand/agree.
      BTW: my b-day was a blast!!!!

  2. Ally Bean

    Cute, cute. So often I’ve confused an opal with a coffee bean! ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Well Ms Bean, I’d think you’d know better!

  3. tierneycreates

    Hope you had a very Happy Birthday and I love the idea of a coffee bean as a birthstone!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Tierney!

  4. deborahbrasket

    I thought of you on our birthday, little flower-sister. I can go with that second birthstone, the trusty coffee bean. Fond of the opals too. Sad to see our month disappear. Seems like it sped by!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Happy b-day to us!!!
      Funny, even though much of 2020 seemed to drag on – October felt like it ‘sped by’ to me, too.

  5. Jennie

    Happy Birthday, Laura! Love the Halloween decorations!

    • laura bruno lilly

      One day about mid-October, as I was walking past this neighbor’s house, there was scaffolding hiding the now revealed huge skeleton…never saw one so big in anyone’s yard before!
      Have a great week, Jennie.

      • Jennie

        Yikes! Best to you, Laura.

  6. cedar51 – maybe on your bucket list when the world is not spinning out of control…probably a few skeletons around the area as well, you’ve gotta be underground to survive.

  7. anne54

    Opals are my favourite stones too, but not my birthstone. I hope you had a happy, happy day, with so many more to come.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh Anne, thank you for stopping by. Opals are fascinating in their range of coloration and fire-y sparkle.

  8. rl2b2017

    Hi Laura! It’s my birth month as well, and I’d like to claim the opal and coffee bean with you if that’s okay! And Happy Halloween to you. It’s a spooky day but hopefully not too scary. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      Sharing is caring in action! Enjoy our birthstones, Roseanne!

  9. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    I love opals. My grandmother’s engagement ring was an opal. <3 Happy belated birthday, Laura, and Happy Halloween! πŸ™‚

    • laura bruno lilly

      Mine, too! I’ve never been a diamond type of gal.
      Happy boos to you, too, Cheryl.

  10. Jill Weatherholt

    I hope you had a happy birthday, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, I did – thanks, Jill!

  11. Janis @

    I love opals! So much nicer than my stupid birth stone (garnet). I think you are going to have to share the coffee bean… I am adopting that birthstone too.

    Our local neighborhoods seem much more decorated for Halloween this year. I’ve really enjoyed seeing the yards on my walks. Halloween is my favorite holiday so I’m loving the skeletons, witches, ghouls, and giant spiders… BOO!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Adoption complete with my hearty blessing!

  12. Jane's Heartsong

    Hi Laura; It put a smile on my face to hear you say your birthstone is the coffee bean.
    I have my groceries delivered and they sent me medium roast as a substitute, so I declined to accept. I like my dark roast with frothed milk Happy birthday and Happy Hallowe’en

    • laura bruno lilly

      How could anyone substitute medium roast for dark roast??? That’s like substituting vanilla extract for almond extract or, or, or…that’s just so wrong!
      From the comments, looks like a lot of us share the same coffee bean gene/birthstone! It’s good to share!

  13. Laura

    Opals are beautiful! Happy birthday, Laura! May you be blessed with many more coffee laden birthdays! πŸ™‚

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Laura…join me in a cuppa java with a pastry for a treat!

  14. Chela's Colchas y Mas

    I hope you enjoyed everyday of your birthday month. Now, let November shower us all with a new beginning.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Aha! You remembered! We both share the family tradition of celebration at least a b-day week…in this case this year of 2020 we (I) needed a whole b-day month!!!

      • Chela's Colchas y Mas

        In my family, we do celebrate the whole birthday month. 2020 has me looking for something to celebrate, so I just make days up. Yesterday I celebrated I-Made-It-to-Friday Day by eating some pumpkin pie.

  15. L. Marie

    Oh Laura! Happy birthday! Is today your actual birthday? You deserve a wonderful day! Blessings on you!!! ???

    • laura bruno lilly

      Today is my sister-in-law’s actual b-day (and it was my granma’s too), but mine is the 18th!
      Thanks for joining the celebration and ‘boos’!

  16. paywindow7

    Wishing you a Happy belated Birthday, and many, many more to come. Your coffee bean birthstone gene we share for sure. It’s just good therapy.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Coffee bean birthstones are to be shared – you’re right, Bob!

  17. Savoring Sixty and Beyond

    Happy Birthday, I hope you had a wonderful day!? Happy Halloween – looks like you are ready! ? I also share one of your birthstones – the coffee bean!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep! Thanks!
      BTW: the ‘boo’ photos are of a neighbor’s yard – he was only about 50% done with decos when I took them!!!!!

  18. marissthequilter

    I have two wishes for you. Happy birthday and happy Halloween

    • laura bruno lilly

      Clever, clever Ms. Mariss!
      I’ll take those wishes
      If you insist!

  19. Puzzles of the Soul

    Happy Birthday Laura I hope you had a great day. Opal is a beautiful stone soothing. Coffee who does not enjoy coffee.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Opals have fire within – and coffee stirs that fire! HA!
      Thanks for the well wishes!

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