The road ends, but the journey continues...

Peace Post: Found while rummaging through Dad’s piles

Postcard sent to Ma & Dad, Lakewood, CO May 2005:

Colorado post card to ma and dad

I often send greetings via snail mail to loved ones

Message on back:

“Remember that all music, in general, is a succession of rainbows.” Pablo Casals

Ma & Dad: I hope your day is filled with color and harmony. Love, Laura


  1. Nikki

    Gorgeous card and lovely sentiment. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Hey, Nikki, hope your technical difficulties are getting resolved! I do appreciate your comment.

  2. Debbie

    Laura, what a lovely post – and a lovely blog. Your presence is so full of heart. Blessings

    • laura bruno lilly

      How sweet of you to say…thank you for stopping by.

  3. Jane Chesebrough

    Well that’s a lovely post!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for stopping by, Jane. Love your hooper photos!

  4. Linda W.

    What a beautiful quote, Laura. I hope it in turns inspires you, as you were inspired to send it. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes it does.
      Extrapolated further: rainbows are God’s Promise so music is all entwined in His love and peace and caring…

  5. Janis

    My father loved getting postcards from me when I was traveling (snail mail is right – they often got to him after I was already home), and I miss that ritual so much now that he is gone. I love the sentiment that you wrote to your parents.

    • laura bruno lilly

      IMHO sending postcards is all part of the adventure of traveling and/or communicating. The photos are usually better than those taken with ordinary equipment – if nothing else but the exceptional spots in which they were taken -. Also, whisking a handwritten note off to someone to discover in the snail mail is a delightful surprise to that person and marking one’s self in that moment in time is somehow more significant than a ‘selfie’.
      The sentiment is so my family – Ma was an artist (a fine artist who made a career of her art in advertising back when women didn’t have ‘careers’) and of course, Dad, the pro-Jazzman. Hence the references to ‘color and harmony’.

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