The road ends, but the journey continues...

Peace Post: PurplePoem

Laura Bruno Lilly c2022

I am the power of purple.

Majesty clothed in peace.

Within the folds
                             my robe holds

Sprigs of springtime blossoms
                                                      harbingers of hope.

photo by LA


  1. Obong eno

    Pretty image, nice blog ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you for stopping by, Obong eno.

      • Obong eno

        You are most welcome ❤️

  2. That was beautiful oh super talented one 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for your kind enthusiasm, Tierney!

  3. Khaya Ronkainen

    YAY to poetry! This is a short and sweet poem that certainly delivers hope and appreciation of the season. Brilliant write, Laura.

    p.s. I’ve long been wondering, when are you going to ‘come out of the closet’ as a poet. Isn’t that poem and song are cousins! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you for that, Khaya. Poetry is one of my loves steeped in my life from way back. It takes one who knows, to know a poet-cousin!

  4. zippyquilts

    Nice poem. Like the Mary Oliver poem in the last post, it is new to me. Thanks!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Well, it *should* be new to you as I wrote it recently and I’m just little ole me, not anyone ‘known’ in poetic circles! HA! Glad you liked it, Mary. Have a great Sunday.

  5. Andy

    Marvellous purple majesty.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Purple comes by ‘majesty’ naturally. Of course, the phrase you coined reminds us Yanks of the line, “For purple mountains majesties…” in our national song (not anthem), “America the Beautiful”.

  6. Jennie

    This is terrific, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Teacher!
      (pretend this is a heart emoji) 🙂

      • Jennie

        You’re welcome, Laura! ❤️

  7. marissthequilter

    You have said a lot in a few words. The poem evokes a state of sacred awe

    • laura bruno lilly

      Encapsulated emotion – I like that! Thanks for your insight, Mariss.

      • marissthequilter

        Pleasure. Do you know that I almost used the word ’emotion’, but then opted for the more neutral term ‘state’.
        We are in synch

        • laura bruno lilly

          Very cool – synch-sisters!

  8. Janis @

    Beautiful tribute to my favorite color 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Mine also! Any purple travels on the horizon for you? (Clever usage of the word purple, eh?)

  9. Ally Bean

    Beautiful and succinct. Gotta love purple!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh yeah!!! It’s a cool bean thing.

  10. LA

    ??thank you!!

    • laura bruno lilly

      *Thank-you* LA!

  11. Chela's Colchas y Mas

    Thank you for this poem. Purple is my favorite color.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re welcome, Chela – purple is my fav also (from way back, it just doesn’t seem to want to relinquish its status)!

  12. L. Marie

    Beautiful!!!!! Well done!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, my friend!

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