The road ends, but the journey continues...

Public Service Shout Out – Disc Makers Face Shields

Like most of you, I’ve been getting cookie cutter ‘We’re here for you’ emails from retail stores…some sincere, some not so much. This one is not that. This one is a ‘What we’re doing to make a difference’ with a twist. Please read and/or watch what I found in my email box this morning from a ‘store’ most every working musician is familiar with…and please pass it on to any HealthCare Worker/Hospital Administrator you may know. (And yeah, I kept in the Disc Makers advert of their normal product at the end..a small thing I can do to support their efforts IMHO)

Hello, Laura.

Warning, this Saturday email is longer than usual… or you can just watch the video above from our local NBC affiliate. (However, it’s Saturday, and you’re probably sitting inside being socially distanced—or even quarantined—so go ahead, take the time to read on.)
A little less than two weeks ago, when it became indisputable that the COVID-19 pandemic was going to sweep the nation, I was worried about the future of Disc Makers. Our orders had decreased by 50% literally overnight. We had to cut back our factory hours by 20%, and our salaried staff had agreed to a 20% pay reduction (and significantly more for execs) to make sure we didn’t run out of cash. After almost 74 years in business, I couldn’t believe a virus was the biggest threat this business had ever faced. Could this really be happening in 2020?
Then last Wednesday night, after watching the news and seeing the desperate need for protective equipment for frontline health workers, my wife asks me, “Tony, can’t you guys make some of this?” And that was exactly the spark we needed.
By Friday, our amazing team of manufacturing engineers and operations pros had come up with a prototype for a protective face shield. They ordered supplies, worked through last weekend to finalize the specs, set up workstations Monday, and started manufacturing this past Tuesday! The factory staff who print your inserts, replicate discs, and package your products—as well as office staff from every department—are now soldiers in the battle to literally save lives.
Perhaps best of all, instead of worrying how we’re going to survive on half our CD volume, I’m worrying if we have enough staff to fill the demand. Every single person at Disc Makers is pumped to be helping fight this coronavirus, and without fail, they are prepared to help build face shields. It’s one of the proudest moments of my life. I’m so impressed with how my team turned on a dime, made this happen in 3 working days, and how everyone enthusiastically jumped in to help battle this global crisis. It shows that American ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and fighting spirit are second to none.
As a country, we’re not out of the woods yet. There’s more social distancing, more quarantining, more medical emergencies ahead. But it’s heartening to see so many companies rushing to help defeat this crisis—one of them being Disc Makers.
If you have loved ones working in the medical, emergency, janitorial, food service, or any other field without adequate supplies, we’re making face shields as fast as we humanly can and are working on narrow margins to make them affordable. They can be ordered at Hospitals that need large quantities can email Or just forward this email to them.
Let’s go win this war!
Tony van Veen
CEO, Disc Makers
P.S. Our factory is still open and producing CDs, vinyl, and T-shirts. Demand may be down right now because no concerts are happening (though, online sales…), but rest assured that, when you need product now or in a few weeks, we’re here for you.
P.P.S. We are doing all we can to maintain a safe, clean environment at Disc Makers. The only way that potentially impacts you is that we are not accepting any client visits or in-person product pick-ups at our Pennsauken, NJ factory until further notice. You can order online, and we’ll be happy to ship your products right to your door.


  1. Mary J Puckett

    I’ve actually been impressed by how many industries are able to re-tool to make masks, ventilators, etc. Nice to know someone with whom you do business is helping out!

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re right on that, Mary. How are those masks coming along for your local nursing home?

  2. Marie A Bailey

    That definitely was much-needed news! I still wish the big corporations would step up and produce PPE and not charge so much when they do. Kudos to Disc Makers for being so creative and helping those in need. Many thanks for sharing, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Marie, I’m glad you got to read this as I know you’ve been on the cutting edge of this crisis via call center Hot Line as a medical professional. It’s encouraging.

  3. Marty

    That is amazing. I’m so sick of these meaningless emails already. How fantastic that someone has figured out a way to actually be useful right now. Good on Tony… and Tony’s wife too!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, I like how he mentions his wife as the catalyst…

  4. Janis

    We also have received those cookie cutter emails from various business: “Your safety is our greatest concern blah, blah, blah.” So wonderful to read about business who can do something actually doing it. Innovation at its best! Thanks for sharing this!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Heartening, isn’t it?

  5. Jill Weatherholt

    When I hear this on the news this morning, it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing, Laura.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh Jill…

  6. Andy

    That is a story I’m familiar with here-businesses and people stepping up when their community is in need. Great people the world over.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh you Mancs do have that down to an art form for sure.

  7. Ally Bean

    Isn’t that something unexpectedly good to find in your email? What a delightful positive change from the usual… well, the usual *buy something now* emails.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re right, that was part of the delight – something good and positive and actively ‘doing’…

  8. Laura

    Ditto what Jane and L. Marie have already said! It is heartening to hear of the unsung heroes in corners everywhere! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, I concur…(how’s that for a fun word?)
      It helps to hear of these things – lifts our spirits as they rise to the task.

  9. Roseanne

    LAURA!!! What a fabulous post. This is just the kind of story everyone needs to read, see, and support this company. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I’m going to share it as well – I’m sure you don’t mind. Stay healthy and safe. ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh please, pass it on, Roseanne.

  10. Jane Chesebrough

    Wow, haven’t heard that one yet. It is heart-warming to see how companies are responding to the needs while they keep themselves afloat. Like distilleries making hand sanitizer, other companies making those plastic shields that surround cashiers, car companies making medical equipment, including ventilators. Thanks to all of you.

    • laura bruno lilly

      And the added perk of it all? Keeping workers actively employed…
      Power (Kudos) to the People!

  11. L. Marie

    Unsung heroes! Helping us win the war against this thing! Amen to their efforts. Thank you for pointing them out. Praying you are safe and well.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, we are…
      Sooo glad to hear from you! I just sent an email – I was worried.
      virtual hugs

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