The road ends, but the journey continues...

Tag: pickled produce

Happy Blogiversary: Two Years

kitty on guitar
An appropriate photo, wouldn’t you agree?  What with this past year filled with kitty stories and increased updates on the musical aspects of my Swimming with Swans project…
Instead of offering an in depth accounting and review of the past year’s blogging like I did for my first blogiversary, I will merely touch upon a few points. Then proceed to list a few favorite posts from this past year.Laughter-1
One of the goals for this second year was to plunge ahead into more techie territory …didn’t happen.
Never figured out that clone site which means I never did update my WP template and plugins.  Oh well.
But I do still see the need to freshen up my static pages and will try to do so here in year three.  Especially as my Swimming with Swans project begins to emerge, this prep will be beneficial on many levels. Continue reading

Sees, Seas, Seize The Day!

Thanks to Jayne, a member of the Camden Writers Group, this wonderful admonishment has been resurrected from the deep recesses of my mind.
Last week’s critique group meeting was spent reviewing several submissions, one of which was entitled, Seas the Day.  An experimental piece, Jayne stretched her writers’ wings, exploring the use of ‘flashback’ in the telling of a recent event in her life.
What’s fun to note is her punny use of the phrase Seize the Day.  I learned that it’s a beach-y quote, commonly quipped among those of the Carolina Coastal Community.  Never heard it before, but I’m always up for a good entendre, double or not.
Jayne is always blogging about her writers group and how much she loves us all.  Or in her words, “That is to say, I love learning and growing, and the members of the group continue to help me do just that.”
I’m with ya, Jayne. Continue reading

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