An appropriate photo, wouldn’t you agree? What with this past year filled with kitty stories and increased updates on the musical aspects of my Swimming with Swans project…
Instead of offering an in depth accounting and review of the past year’s blogging like I did for my first blogiversary, I will merely touch upon a few points. Then proceed to list a few favorite posts from this past year.
One of the goals for this second year was to plunge ahead into more techie territory …didn’t happen.
Never figured out that clone site which means I never did update my WP template and plugins. Oh well.
But I do still see the need to freshen up my static pages and will try to do so here in year three. Especially as my Swimming with Swans project begins to emerge, this prep will be beneficial on many levels.
An unexpected parallel theme I found between the first two years was the start of a ‘series’ at the beginning of each new year.
Year One, I released early drafts of my Goat Suite Saga.
Year Two initiated the debut of my Giving Voice series.
Now that’s it for Year Two’s evaluation.
Here then is the promised list of favorite posts:
First on my list of favs
Second on my list of favs
All time favorite of my little-listers, followers, and anonymous lurkers.

Oh and my favorite ‘tag’ term acquired during year two? Definitely pickled produce.
Thank-you to everyone who has encouraged me to finish this second year of blogging-Here’s to another year, come what may. 😉
Congratulations on year two, Laura. I, too, have goals to get more techie on my blog but hasn’t happened either. Here’s to another year of blogging goals and adventures!
I’m with ya on that! Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Blogoversary, Laura!!! Here’s to another two years! It’s lovely to see your work on your music project and your animal rescues. 🙂 Leggy Lady is lovely. A friend of mine keeps horses.
Well, your encouragement made a huge difference in my resolve to actively arrive at this two-year mark!
Thanks for that.
Looking forward to your next two years. 🙂
Many congrats and best wishes for more wise and wonderful observations, animals included! 😉
Thanks, Anna.
Love the kitty on the guitar didn’t know you are into horses too and zendoodles? Just completed my move so will be back in a few days.
Congrats on the successful move, now on to settling in!
Leggy Lady was one of six rescue horses we nurtured and helped to re-condition during our days in NM…hard to believe it’s been 4 years since we left…Do you do horses, too?
Congratulations on your second blogiversary, I always look forward to your posts. Here’s to year three and year twenty if you so desire.
Thank-you kindly, Bob…as for year twenty, wonder what the ole internet will look like then? Kinda spooky. 🙂
Thought transfer, maybe? Yep, spooky indeed.