First seen in this earlier post and then again in part 1, a certain coffee mug takes center stage as an example of a ‘quick TryOut’.
That said, the ‘quick TryOut’ to finish Aromatic Steam Arising is only as good as the sum of its parts. Meaning: one of those parts was to compose a soundtrack specific to the video. That part was right up my alley and I certainly had fun noodling around on both the UKE and CG for ideas. The noodling resulted in two separate 4 measure motifs which I then entered into my NOTION notation program and arranged as a duo. Adjusting for the duration of coffee mug’s stellar performance, I came up with the 34 seconds of music needed for use in the video.

That was the easy part. Next came the actual putting together of a cohesive video highlighting my raw unedited phone footage in sync with a NOTION instrument rendition of my ASA 34 Seconds accompanying audio track.
Enter stage left – the challenging part of my ‘quick TryOut.’
Armed with some working knowledge of Canva, I decided to go forth and dive deep into using their free tools for video/audio projects. It took me a few days but I learned much through the process.
As promised, here is my first attempt at making a video with my personal & original uploads using Canva tools. Enjoy!

Aromatic Steam Arising ! Beautiful composition 🙂
Thanks, Tierney!
Laura, I’ll always think of you and your creativity when I look at steam raising from a cuppa in the future! The music is the perfect meditative accompaniment to the video. Your work here just shows to hold onto ideas for we never know when inspiration and time will strike us!hugs Annika xx
Even in hot weather, there’s nothing like the allure of ‘aromatic steam arising’ in the morning! 🙂
That was fun! So creative. The music is a perfect accompaniment to steam rising 🙂
Thanks, Marie. I enjoyed following through with my personal challenge to do this!
Laura, this is wonderful! You are so tuned in (pun intended) to all the things around that make life, and music brings it together. Bravo.
Thanks for the giggle, teacher!
You are clever. So soothing. Thanks for making me smile. ☕️
You’re welcome, Ms **Bean**
What fun! And I’m sure you did learn a lot–I can’t even imagine doing such a video!
🙂 Thanks, Zip!
What a graceful bow. ❤️
Composer and film maker Laura Bruno Lilly, please take a bow.
You have captured a special moment beautifully. I can smell the coffee
Deep breath. l cast my gaze across the horizon, gracefully gesture with my left hand as I artistically grasp the neck of my instrument in the right. Right foot slighty forward, I bend to the beat of the creation you have just ‘watched/listened to’.
I arise and smile broadly. Thank you dear Mariss!
Soothing music to go with my soothing morning sip. Thanks for sharing this!
Yeah, I knew you’d have a fika moment! 🙂
you are so clever, thanks for sharing
Glad to oblige!
Also – I checked out NOTION. How fantastic the technology is! I wonder if there is something that can, for a person who cannot read or write music, nor play an instrument, turn his hums into music by selected instruments? AI could make a Mozart of me yet!
To answer your musing question: it probably is already or close to being a ‘thing’ – along the lines the old-school midi instrument interfaces. However. Don’t you dare turn yourself over to the dark side and ask for assistance in musical aspirations via AI. 🙁
There is no heart in it, believe me. And remember: if in music, what of poetry?
Ha! No, I’m in agreement with you. I meant as a way of realising any melody that I created myself instead of merely humming it into a voice recorder.
It was just a throwaway/add-on comment as for:
1. I know my limitations and making music is one of them! That is more your forte and gift. And:
2. In the act of creating – what is art without (he)art, as you like to put it 🙂
Well, see, that’s called ‘collaboration’…for when you really have something you’d like to flesh out into a full musical piece. The voice recorder helps immensely for the other person to get what you’re after, etc etc. I know you’ve done this with your late musician friend buddy. Personally, collaborations are my favorite part of being a working musician…but then you get that, too. Lennon/McCartney and all of that. 😎
I like both the visual and the audio. I’m thinking of it as ‘morning music’ – I guess because coffee is a morning thing, yes?
I like how the entire thing evoked a ‘morning’ vibe for you. That would make my ASA ‘quick TryOut’ a successful venture, IMHO.
Terrific! My only regret is that I read your post in the evening rather than in the morning while I enjoyed my coffee. 🙂
In that case, I’ll bet it caused an unexpected craving for a cuppa before bed! ‘Thanks for watching.’ (re: my comment to LA)
Terrific idea, Laura. The music fits the steam rising very well. Makes me think of incense or something one might hear in a spa (not that I’ve got a lot of experience. 🤣)
Good one, Pete! HA!
“Thanks for watching.” Gee, it felt good saying/writing that – like how many times have we heard that after watching something as ubiquitous as the evening news!?!
Laura!!!! Love it!!!!! 😄😄😄 Your inventive mind!! And thinking back to a previous post where you showed us your coffee quilt and mug rugs, I am loving this theme!
I guess coffee has become such a constant in my life that I don’t even notice it as a theme – good eye! HA!