Nothing profound – just finding myself in the curious position of having to mindfully manage my time. My plate is not full, but certainly fuller than it’s been since 2020. The good bits of my ‘new normal’ are shining brighter and growing steadily.
After a period of deafening dormancy, many opportunities are opening up for me, of which I do not take for granted.
For the first time in several years, I spy the arc of this New Year’s horizon. I am excited about walking, exploring and cultivating those paths towards it and beyond.
I think many of us are experiencing the natural unfolding of each our own good bits of a ‘new normal’ since 2020 became 2021 which then painstakingly rolled into 2022.
That said, my screen time – including but not limited to blogging – is returning to a more balanced, albeit skinnier slice of the time pie.
So you see, this is not a final farewell post. It is merely an attempt to explain my irregular pattern of posting that has become more the rule rather than the exception and which will no doubt evolve over the course of MMXXIII.
We all take stock from time to time – just thought I’d let you in on my subtle (?) shift in Time Pie Slices.

I have just read the comments were moderated !!!
Not to worry – I got all the extra comments and published only one. So sorry for the confusion, Michel.
I keep telling myself I should spend less time on social media. But myself doesn’t listen much!
Thank goodness for new opportunities, and good luck with them!
Thanks, Zippy!
Glad to hear your life is returning to normal, Laura. I wish you a flood of creativity and boatloads of opportunities. I have enjoyed the music you have posted. As they say in New Orleans, “Let the good times roll!” Sorry my French isn’t good enough to quote in the original language! <3 <3 <3
Thanks, Cheryl! I think we’re both could use some ‘good times to roll!’
Hmm… that question mark is autocorrect’s workings. It was supposed to be an ellipse.
Yeah, autocorrect/spellcheck is such a know-it-all (not)!
It’s so wonderful Laura to hear “good bits of my ‘new normal’ are shining brighter and growing steadily.” Pursue those opportunities with all your heart! As for screen time, we are on the same page. I talk about that in my next post? Wishing you all the best for 2023!
Sounds like we’re both ready for a great New Year!
Carry on, my dear. You have a plan and seem enthused about it. That’s a nice new normal!
You’re right about that, Ms Bean! Thanks for that fine affirmation.
O time suspend your flight….. Laura !
Love <3
At reading you, Laura , I have appreciated the comparison between the New Year Day like an entrance in a new world ( whatever this world ). <3
You go, girl! I have zero order in blogging, as I write when I need to write. Sigh! You are an inspiration. Best to you in 2023, Laura.
I know 2023 holds many adventures for both of us! 🙂
It does!!
Here’s to living life out loud.
Can you hear me across the miles?! HA! I can hear you!!!
Loud and clear, dear Laura
Great to here from you
on both the 30 and 31st of last month – two totally different lives collided – one my elderly sister died and two a friend who retired to the other island has been diagnosed with a critical illness/no cure – somehow life has stopped and I’ve had no time to truly consider life ahead… – so I’m marking time.
Hard times for you, for sure. Each of us in different seasons of life – take care, Catherine.
I so understand! Sounds like you have lots of creative projects going on, and there’s only so many hours in the day. I’ve been cutting back in blogging for the same reason. I’m glad you’ll still be around, as will I, but at a slower pace. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you whenever that is, flower-sister. In the meantime, enjoy these new opportunities. Hugs.
I knew you would, Deborah. I look forward to your ‘intermittent’ posts, also! (I like that term – see Marie’s comment). BTW: I hope your slice of CA is relatively protected from all the wild weather events.
Balance is so important! And you’ve done so much lately, especially with your music. I think intermittent blogging is a healthy way to blog. Of course, I say that because I’ve been quite intermittent of late, and I’m likely to stay that way, at least for a long while.
Enjoy your life and all your creative interests and stay in touch as you wish. Happy New Year, Laura 🙂
Yep, it’s nice knowing I’m not the only one to be ‘intermittent’. Good term for our approach, since it’s not really a ‘blogging break’.
Happy New Year to you, too, and best wishes for all things positive in 2023!
Laura, I can more than relate to your post and I’m happy that you’ve found other ventures and adventures in your life! Enjoy them all to the full! ? Of course, we will miss you but look forward to seeing you back here when possible. Your warm friendship, kindness and clarity is a precious. ❤️
You are too kind, Annika – thank you for such support!
Congratulations on new opportunities opening up. I am finding at times that I just want to keep the pandemic level of nesting at home I got used to – new opportunities seem a bit scary! I think screen time should always be the lowest and I am trying to balance it the same but also spend time doing the blogging I love. T
Thanks, Tierney! You have certainly had your plate full with showings, travels, setting up studios for friends (and yourself!). Screen time for myself was never an issue pre-Pandemic…but then became a lifeline, as you understand.
I love the pie chart! Live life, Laura! Make music! Have a healthy and happy New Year! 🙂
You, too, Laura – (replace the music with quilts/photography)
We have o figure out what works for us, and things are always evolving
You got that right, LA!
Yes, I too get it. I find that my thoughts are getting back to what I want to do when I retire. I lost a few years there. Go where the muse takes you.
Jane, I’m thrilled to hear of the renewal of your projects/pursuits coming to the forefront for you this year. Yay for us!
Sounds like we’re in the same head space. Have a great year, wherever life takes you, Laura.
Very true. In fact, I originally included a quote from your “Priorities” post…but then decided against it…not because it wasn’t relevant or well written, just cuz I personally needed to keep this post from getting too long and drawn out (part of the time thing).
You with your writing & volunteering and me with my increasing playing ops, teaching at a non-profit Arts Center and taking a long desired class on professional recording studio techniques…we’ll both have a blast in 2023! Yep, I let you in on a few of the time-pie items just because you’re you!
The beginning of a new year, a time for reflection, and for change. I’ll enjoy reading your posts whenever they pop into my inbox. In the meantime, I’ll quilt while your music plays in the background – it’s perfect for that!
Oh Wendy, thank you for that – our music/quilter connection (and pottery ‘cousin’ one, too) is so cool! Stay well.
Hi Laura! We all get it. Time is precious. How you decide to use your given 24 hours each day is sometimes out of your control. I’ll be reading whatever you share, my friend. Happy 2023! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Kinda my version of your ‘only two’ – ya know?
I fully understand the need for balance, Laura, and cutting some things back. It will be good to hear from you, whenever you decide to post.
I figured you’d get it as I noticed your own plate is becoming filled with more opportunities, too. Take care and heal, Lavinia.
I hear you, Laura! Enjoy life! You have certainly worked very hard on your music. May you be inspired to greater musical heights. Do keep in touch though.
Absolutely will do!