The road ends, but the journey continues...

things I like inspired by harry

Harry’s Guest Post ref: here

How’s that for an intro to a text-light post?

Already I’m feeling happy…for those of us who derive ‘happy’ vibes from quotes, this one’s for you:

Quote symbolIf chocolate was a sound, it would’ve been Constantine’s voice singing. If singing was a color, it would’ve been the color of that chocolate.

from: ‘The Help’ by Kathryn Stockett

So Laura, you may point out, that’s not exactly a list of what you actually like. Well, maybe not, but it leads into liking things that make me happy…right? But for those purists, here’s what I commented on Harry’s Guest Post:

  • I like little boy smells, my baby boy turned daring young man…
  • fun times with my daughter and son-in-law, and
  • a house filled with music.
  • Oh and it goes without saying, ‘the perfect dark roast brew’ and the darkest & smoothest chocolate available to nibble on from time to time.

In these unending tragic times, thanks for prompting us to think on these things, too, L.Marie and Henry.

What are the things you like and/or make you happy? 

PS- can you guess purple makes me happy?!


  1. Mary

    Agree on the purple! I know every quilt needs some purple, and now I realize it’s because purple makes me happy

    • laura bruno lilly

      We’re on the same wave length, Zippy!

  2. Andy

    I love that video/track. I’m a lover of old blues-particularly the Mississippi Delta variety, Robert Johnson, Skip James, Son House etc. And I like Clapton’s blues and Cream stuff. I saw him in Manchester in the 90’s. He finished with Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Afterwards it was the only time I’ve been in Men’s toilets and guys were stood at urinals, doing what guys have to do, while humming Somewhere Over The Rainbow!

    • laura bruno lilly

      That’s hilarious…but also significant.
      One of my baby cousins went to a BB King concert in LA years ago at a more intimate (as in not a huge stadium venue) venue and BB handed my cousin a guitar pick with ‘BB’ sharpied on it. He was the real deal – no pretense – genuine and it all came outta his guitar and voice. A guy with (he)art for sure.

      • Andy

        What a great moment to share.
        Incidentally, I saw Clapton at the Arena where that bombing took place. I’ve seen a fair few there, first that comes to mind are The Eagles, Neil Diamond, Paul McCartney, Arcade Fire, The Courteeners and Bob Dylan.

        • laura bruno lilly

          As for the blues guys, really the best way to enter that music world live is at the clubs – and most of the ‘real deals’ play clubs regularly whether high profile “artists” or not.
          (Yeah, saw a few in Chicago and LA)

  3. Marty

    I can certainly add B.B. King and Eric Clapton to any list (grateful for that video you included). I absolutely agree that a home must have music playing in it constantly. If it doesn’t bring joy, it can at least bring soothing and calming waters to anyone.
    And yes, purple is a great color. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for giving it a listen…
      BTW: Been having problems with my comments getting pubbed on other sites lately. Hopefully yours got delivered?

  4. Deborah Brasket

    Too many things to list! But three things most recently: a gentle morning rainfall, the superbloom covering the hillsides here in California, and singing silly songs with my 6 year old granddaughter on our ride home just a couple of hours ago.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Singing silly songs is the best, Deborah. Especially when accompanied by a grannie-kiddie!

  5. Jane Chesebrough

    Listening to this music, oh so great, and the sounds of birds in Spring. Laughter, whether it is gurgling, a deep chortle, a titter or a huge guffaw. A .smile, a twinkle in the eye Happy Spring, by the way.That sure makes me happy.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Love your laughter varieties…I think we’d make a pair guffawing, chortling and tittering during a conversation, don’t you agree?
      Happy Spring to you too, my friend.

  6. Roseanne

    Good Morning! So many things to like but definitely music is one of them. I constantly have music going in my car, at my desk at work, and any time I have a free moment. Music and specific songs seem to mark important events and stages throughout life, don’t you find? Happy Wednesday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, I do! Enjoy your listening while quilting, Roseanne!

  7. Ally Bean

    Oh dear, I already answered this question over on L Marie’s blog but I can repeat myself, can’t I?
    I like humor, daisies, sauvignon blanc, intelligence, and the color teal.
    I also like it when one blogger uses the idea of another blogger to write a blog post on which a third blogger who reads both of their blogs can comment.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh yes, of course you can repeat yourself…I did myself afterall in this very post!
      This time I will addendum your sav blanc for my own Chardonnay!
      And I love your clever final sentence…

  8. Savoring SIty

    Family, friends, my dog, and a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream makes me happy!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh, you’re a brownie person, too! Yum!

  9. Mariss Stevens


  10. Anne

    Very timely post ~ thank you! What makes me happy? Being with people I love, and having the time to create. Having wild things like fruit bats and blue banded bees visit my garden.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Blue banded bees? Oh I am intrigued!

  11. Anne Copeland

    Oh, I have been listening to this music and it is truly magical. Thank you for sharing. We are likely listening at the same time in the same frame of mind.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, we are likely…

  12. Janis

    Purple makes me happy too… and this post makes me happy.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Purple and The Buena Vista Social Club…nice mix of happiness!

  13. L. Marie

    Thanks for the shout-out! I needed the reminder of hope in that guest post too. And I love your list of likes, Laura. I will have to email something that made me smile today.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, please do…and I almost quoted your lines about hope.
      Keep on keepin’ on sista.

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