The road ends, but the journey continues...

Yep, Still Technical Difficulties, but I’m Back Anyway

And what should appear in my email but a notice from a certain Manc Bud Poet that he’d filmed a snippet of a song I love during a concert he attended just Friday night.

He wanted me to know that the vid was too large to send so – get this – he decided to post it on his blog instead…just so I could share in its musical delights!

Hop over and take a peek! The vibe of the venue is just what my psyche needed, too.

Ya know, WP has many, many issues, but why I stick with it is because of guys like Andy…and all you other guys, too!


Meanwhile, here’s Infinite Sun by Kula Shaker via YouTube – Enjoy!


Yep, my website is functioning, but on only 2 cylinders. I find it interesting that my desire to blog has increased during the ‘Sounds of Silence’ stage and this further stage of waiting for fixes to be suggested and then implemented.

Jetpack tech assistance in the Forums is still pending, stuff is still messed up, but I’m back anyway.


  1. Thanks for sharing Infinite Sun – that was an amazing piece/performance!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, it’s my kinda vibe!

  2. Marty

    Two cylindars is better than none (or one!). Good luck on getting it the way you want. 🙏

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks Marty! I just pubbed my test post to see if all is working properly – we’ll see!
      Three’s the Charm! 🙂

  3. Andy

    Glad you enjoyed it and thank for the link to my roost 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re more than welcome.

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