The road ends, but the journey continues...

You Are My Only One (these 36 years) And I Still Believe In We

James Taylor with attitude

My hubby Terry’s twin (?)

Those baby blues.  That attitude.
My future husband, my lover, my BE-ONE…and oh yes, he looks just like James Taylor.
What’s not to like?
Most of our family and friends know the story of how we met.  Truncated version: Terry as best friend of my then fiancé convinces said fiancé to dump me and the rest is history.  While it certainly was God’s plan for us to be married, it might not have been exactly His way of getting us together.
Over these past years we have celebrated June 17th in various ways.  Our first anniversary we did the ‘eat the frozen wedding cake top’ thing in our little square cinder block married student housing house.  Living on love in the midst of typical newlywed poverty those first years proved to produce a firm foundation to our new union; along with three children!
Our tenth anniversary we threw a huge backyard party celebrating the fact that we had made it together that long.  Sadly, many we knew who married the same year as we did, were no longer together.  This was also the year in which we followed the dream and took a leap of faith in starting our own business.
Our twentieth was celebrated atop Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder where we were married; a rustic catered affair for select close friends and family under a primitive outdoor pavilion.  We toodled around town for weeks proudly displaying the makeshift sign our guests attached to the rear of our van announcing to the world:

Just Married. 
20 years.

Our twenty-fifth was special in that my parents celebrated their fiftieth that same year.  Something about those numbers intrigues me still, but it’s the feeling of connection that makes me smile in remembrance of that one.
2010’s thirty-second anniversary was spent exploring our sojourners environs while in rural Indiana.  Still feeling hopeful that our between-homes journey had our original goals intact, we roamed roads laced with romantic adventure.
Closing in on our thirty-fourth, I wasn’t sure we’d make it.  Not because of any ‘thirty-four year itch’ or suddenly waking up to discover our love for each other had flown out the window overnight. Instead it was because of the love and dedication we had for each other that threatened to end our marriage.  We almost lost ‘us’ trying to save each other from the hardship of those last months surviving in our hotel room home in Arizona.
Our time between-homes stretched much longer than either of us thought possible.
That’s where James Taylor came back in on the scene for me.
You are my only one, you are my only one. Well I’m telling you now, you’re my only one.  Faint whispers of this tune started up in my mind. You are my only one, you are my only one. Don’t be leaving me now, you’re my only one.  Can you hear this, too, my love?

Hundreds of hopes in the past, nevertheless it was never the last.
Hold on strong or you fade out fast…
You are my only one, you are my only one. Don’t be leaving me now, you’re my only one.

June 17th, 2014.  Today.  Now.  Two years coming up on the ‘new’ job; sojourners still, living on love in our little rental home.  Thirty-six years filled with ‘Technicolor Kisses’* and ‘Passion Scars.’

 And I still believe in we.*
*from: Because We Can by Bon Jovi


  1. Anna Scott Graham

    Such a beautiful, heartfelt post. Many congrats on those thirty-six years; may that precious and vibrant love continue to flame anew each day. 😉

    • laura bruno lilly

      preciouslovepeace to you & yours Anna.

  2. Becwillmylife

    What a wonderful love story…real story of what marriage is. Congrats and many more!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Becky.

  3. Joe Finnerty

    Congrats. Here are some songs I suggerst you and your James Taylor look-alike husband sing today:
    Marry The Man Today
    Get Me To The Church On Time
    Love and Marriage
    An Old Fashioned Wedding
    Ain’t We Got Fun
    It’s De-Lovely
    You Got A Friend (James Taylor/Carol King version)
    Frienship, Friendship
    Side By Side.
    As Time Goes By
    Now, if things don’t work out next year, sing:
    Makin’ Whoopee

    • laura bruno lilly

      Joe, you’re a darlin’ that’s for sure!
      FYI: We used to belt out “Love and Marriage” while driving with the kids on road trips…and then one day, the Fam got in high gear gleefully singing along with it at someone’s wedding reception only to be asked, “how can you let your kids watch that awful show, Married with Children?”
      We were dumbfounded as our total exposure to it was 100% through ole Blue Eyes recordings…my question back to them would have been, “you mean you only know this song and Frank Sinatra from a dumb TV sticom?” But of course, I’m not that quick on the draw!
      Got any more COWBELL songs to add to that list? 😀

  4. Donna

    Great story and a little devious courting.

    • laura bruno lilly

      ‘Tis true about the devious courting bit…but all’s fair in love and war, eh? 😉

  5. Bob Cloud

    Congratulations on reaching the 36th rung and here’s to 36 more together. My wife and I are at number 54 and have endured all manner of “life” both good and not so good but we both agree that we’re glad we hung in.
    Best of luck in the future.

    • laura bruno lilly

      …and you guys ‘hanging in’ through #54 is inspirational to us guys ‘hanging in’ through #36.

  6. Jennifer Linssen

    Happy Anniversary! Warm wishes on your journey.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Jennifer.
      All the best to you and your hubby.

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