The road ends, but the journey continues...

Respite with a Snapdragon

Contrary to popular belief, I am a snapdragon…

Thus began a post I wrote in September announcing the beginning of my soon to be launched ‘serious series’ now known as Giving Voice.
Several posts and weeks into the series, I just now realized I forgot about my flower promise.  Please accept my humble apologies, and notice I have rectified the situation.  The snapdragon badge displayed in the sidebar links to a little flower quiz.  It’s meant to be a ‘respite’ during the premier presentation of Giving Voice. I think it can also serve as a fun deviation from the severe winter weather most readers have been experiencing this year.
So go on ahead and click on the badge to take the quiz.  If you feel so inclined, let me know how you turn out as a flower in the comments.  I came out a snapdragon after 8 takes in a row.  I’m more partial to giant purple irises, deep red orange poppies, daisies and milkweed blossoms, but hey, a flower by any other name is still a flower!  And they do perk up the gloominess of a grey South Carolina day.snapdragons


  1. Lillian Batarseh

    Here’s hoping that snapdragons and sunflowers are compatible, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I think so…I retook this quiz the other day and came up sunny-sunflower, too! The first deviation from snappiness. 😀
      Keep up the good work with FloWriters, Lillian.

  2. Mary

    I am a snapdragon too!!! My be October babies!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Welcome Marybeth! Yep, I wonder if there’s an October connection. You might like the tribute I did in honor of us October babies (well, it was mostly about turning a milestone b-day, but then you had that in 2014, too…just a different decade!) 😉
      press here

  3. Dei Johnson

    Cool! I’m going to click the link! Lol! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Let me know what you spring up as… 😀

  4. Bob Cloud

    Wait a minute. Last time I took the test I was a “canna”(sp?) this time I’m a “snapdragon” same as you. How did I change from one flora to another or are we all snappers this time?? Must be that drink I went for to fix the headache.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re a good example of a Texan gone ‘floral’. HA!
      Welcome to the snappers club, Bob. 😉

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