The road ends, but the journey continues...

3 Days, 3 Quotes, 3rd Time #3

 Here I am doing my favorite blogger-tag game again: The 3 Day Quote Challenge. Half the fun is getting nominated, so I thank you Heather and Dizzy for the nomination.

The Rules:
– Thank the person who nominated you
– Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
– Share why this quote appeals to you so much
– Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day

3 Days, 3 Quotes, 3rd Time #3

Lee Krasner quote

Quote written on the wall at the entrance of the Women of Abstract Expressionism exhibit, Denver Art Museum 2016 (click on photo for details)

“I’m always going to be Mrs. Jackson Pollock – that’s a matter of fact – but I painted before Pollock, during Pollock, after Pollock.” Lee Krasner

Lee Krasner Abstract Expressionist Artist: 10/1908-6/1984

Lee Krasner Abstract Expressionist Artist: 1908-1984 (click on photo for credit/source)

(From this article here) “Abstract Expressionism is largely remembered as a movement defined by the paint-slinging, hard-drinking machismo of its poster boys Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning. But the women who helped develop and push the style forward have largely fallen out of the art-historical spotlight, marginalized during their careers (and now in history books) as students, disciples, or wives of the their more-famous male counterparts rather than pioneers in their own right…Throughout her career, Krasner, one of the earliest and most innovative AbEx practitioners, would struggle against the marginalization of women artists, even changing her first name from Lena to the gender-ambiguous Lee in the 1940s. While she introduced her husband, Jackson Pollock, to the ideas and key progenitors of the movement for which he would become the posterboy, her relation to Pollock often superceded her own reputation as an artist.”

Lee Krasner, The Seasons, 1957 (click on photo for credit reference)

Lee Krasner, The Seasons, 1957 (click on photo for credit reference)

My three nominees for day #3 are:
– Deborah at Living on the Edge of Wild
– Annika at Annika Perry’s Writing Blog
– Ms Zen
at NorCalZen


  1. Maria

    Thank you for the nomination Laura. I happily accept. It’s just been a very busy week. I’ve been looking at other peoples quote challenges, it is very inspiring. Thank you <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      So glad you decided to do it! Not to worry about ‘when’, just whenever you feel it’s time.

  2. Cindy

    Great story. I had no idea.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I love her artwork!

  3. Jill Weatherholt

    Boy, today isn’t my day for commenting…everything seems to disappear. Ugh!
    This is a great quote, Laura. She obviously wan’t afraid to speak her mind…good for her!

    • laura bruno lilly

      For some reason your comment ended up in my spam file! Oh well, retrieved it!
      Jill, thanks for reading all 3 – hope your week goes smoothly.

  4. Annika Perry

    Laura, I’ve enjoyed reading your three days of quotes here and the accompanying images. I had no idea about Lee Krasner but am not surprised. Behind so many successful men are strong creative women whose own work has often faded into the background. It’s interesting to see some of her work here and her words about her place in the world. Good for her!
    Thank you so much for the nomination … you’re right in your comment to me – lots of quotes come to mind and a couple from just this week. I will happily take part and must just get the posts together. I do enjoy these kinds of challenges! Warmest wishes to you. xx

    • laura bruno lilly

      I thought you’d enjoy this especially after your excellent three-parter on Carl Larsson (your interest in artists).
      I’m thrilled you’ll be taking up the challenge – I know you’re up for it.

  5. L. Marie

    Wow! I learned something today! I didn’t know about Jackson Pollock’s wife’s involvement. My goodness! Talk about marginalization! Good grief.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Very common in those days…very common now-a-days too come to think of it…

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