The road ends, but the journey continues...

3 Days, 3 Quotes, 3rd Time #2

 Here I am doing my favorite blogger-tag game again: The 3 Day Quote Challenge. Half the fun is getting nominated, so I thank you Heather and Dizzy for the nomination.

The Rules:
– Thank the person who nominated you
– Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
– Share why this quote appeals to you so much
– Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day

 3 Days, 3 Quotes, 3rd Time #2

nancy zieman quote

From her autobiography, “Seams Unlikely” (click on photo for more details)

‘Sewing with Nancy’ has been a PBS staple since the 1982 – the same year my firstborn came into this world. Echoes of Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers rang throughout our home during those early child-rearing days, along with trips to the park and reading storybooks. However once kiddos were safely tucked in for their afternoon naps, it was my turn to plop down on the couch, turn on the TV and watch Nancy create her masterpieces. It wasn’t until recently that I realized her facial disfigurement was a symptom of a progressive disabling disease, Bell’s Palsy. Yet, she lived her life, pursued her dreams and made a difference in this world one stitch at a time.

My three nominees for day #2 are:
– Mary at ZippyQuilts
– Cindy at InAStitchQuilting
– Irene at Living: The Ultimate Team Sport


  1. Cindy

    She was a very special lady. She was so gracious, so sweet! Great choice for your quote.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, very gracious and warm which came across even in her on-camera presence.

  2. Jill

    Love this quote, Laura! One thing I have learned from living with a chronic disease is that there’s always someone worse off than me.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Jill, you do so much regardless of your own health management – hugs.

  3. Roseanne

    Hi Laura,
    WOW. Your post just gave me the chills today. I’m so glad you popped over and commented so that I came over and read this today. Such a powerful quote by a wonderful lady that left us way too soon. She really left her mark on me and so many others. {{Hugs}} and thanks again for sharing this.
    ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      What I love is that she was an everyday lady like you and me…
      Thank you for stopping by, Roseanne!

  4. Jo Ann Maxwell

    Amen! As I like to say, you can only be disabled in your mind!

  5. L. Marie

    What an inspiration! You’ve chosen yet another great quote, Laura! I’ve never seen this show, but I saw episodes of it listed on PBS. I feel ashamed of how easily I complain about things that I think hold me back. But in reality, they don’t.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Only goes to show one doesn’t have to be a Winston Churchill (or ?) to speak out relevant ‘quotes’.
      BTW: you and I stand as ‘cracked’ vessels, but no less usable for service – have a great week and thank you for participating in the quote-thingy!

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