The road ends, but the journey continues...

Announcing an unexpected Re-Release!

unexpected cover image
Cover artwork by Michelle Marie Bruno Lilly (+ Solorio – she’s since married!) on the John Lennon Peace Wall, Prague. c2007

My 2007 cd, unexpected, is now available for purchase on Bandcamp as a limited quantity item.

Long available via the now defunct cdbaby store (back in the Derek Sivers days!) and downloadable/streamable via iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, etc. I have re-released both the physical cds & digital downloads of unexpected for additional distribution on my Bandcamp site.

***Please take a listen***

Hop over to my Bandcamp page for details on how to order digital tracks and/or physical cds.

Due in large part to the fact of its prior release taking place during the early days of digital distribution (think: My Space Music, yes I had an account!) – my mixed and mastered wav files were on a special type of cd that I then sent directly to the cd replication studio. I essentially gave them up not knowing I’d need them somewhere down the line.

I won’t get too technical but having to reverse-engineer one of my own cds on hand in order to obtain wav files to upload was a huge obstacle for me.

Oh, not the actual doing of it, but wondering if the quality of said files would be the same as if they’d come directly from the recording studio files. Lordy, I am such a sound snob an audiophile.

Add to that the amount of time required for uploading & entering each track individually, complete with a myriad of other digital data paraphernalia. No wonder I put it off for so long. (BTW: the digital files sound just fine!)

But then DIY ain’t nothin’ new.

However, as I’ve been working on current projects – improving skills on my less dominate instruments, recording ideas, composing like crazy, collaborating with Banjo Guy and laying out pdf scores for future publishing & distribution – I could no longer drag my feet in getting this pesky task completed.

And now it is.


Ready for a new set of ears to hear and hopefully enjoy for hours of listening pleasure.


  1. fauquetmichel

    What you did, Laura is like a resurrection.
    Compliments too for technical .cleverness .
    Love <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      You are most kind to say so, Michel. I hope you are in less pain these days.

  2. Lavinia Ross

    Congratulations on the re-release, Laura! I am glad you were able to reverse engineer the old CD and re-release it. I am a bit behind and will slowly catch up with your earlier posts. This winter could not have some too soon!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Great to hear from you Lavinia! Thanks for the congrats. I hope the change of seasons brings you renewed musical inspiration.

      • Lavinia Ross

        I finished cardiac rehab this month, and occupational rehab for the shoulder injury from last December. Most of my reading and research as been on the clinical side of life. I am hoping the new year is a better one for all.

        • laura bruno lilly

          Amen to that! Take care and heal.

  3. Congratulations, that sample sounded beautiful 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks much, Tierney!

  4. Khaya Ronkainen

    Congrats Laura! This is wonderful news, I’ll be getting my copy soon. Thank you always for the music! <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Khaya! I think we’ve both had a glorious birthday month filled with many gifts and finished projects. Yay us!

  5. Andy

    As a completist, I await your next creative birthing ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      I am honored! And my name doesn’t even begin with the letter J, P, G or R!

  6. Janis @

    Wow, so beautiful!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Janis.

  7. Jane's Heartsong

    Congratulations! This was a surprise. Will listen soon.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, do give it a listen, Jane! (But check your mail first – hint hint)

  8. marissthequilter

    I am listening to your album through Spotify as I type this. What you describe in your post sounds like a technical nightmare, so double praise on getting it done. And thank you for the music. It is beautiful.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I seem to remember you being a Spotify kinda listener! (That’s a good thing!) It’s been up there since cdbaby added it to its distro plan – nothing I did to put it up there. However, it (and other musicians’ music, too) tends to get buried under all the other wonderful music for all to explore and discover. I’m thrilled you are able to access it and enjoy it. Maybe even quilt by it (see Wendy’s comment)

      • marissthequilter

        I did stitch a few rows while listening to it! And now to bed

        • laura bruno lilly

          Happy zzzzs!

  9. Marie A Bailey

    Congratulations on the re-release, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for stopping by, Marie and for all the well wishes. Have a great weekend.

  10. Laura

    Beautiful! Loved listening as I sat here watching the first snow fall. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Wish I could sit with you and watch…I miss snowy days…

  11. deborahbrasket

    OMG, that was absolutely beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes. And just what I needed after reading the dark headlines this morning with democracy on the ropes here and abroad and Russia and North Korea rattling nuclear sabers. Yet this kind of beautiful music and art and soulful spirits still rise and inspire and bring hope and gladness to our hearts. Thank you Laura for your persistence in bringing this to us.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you for that, Deborah. We all need to know we make a difference in others’ lives…

  12. piecefulwendy

    Guess what I’ll be listening to while I quilt today! Wonderful!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yay! I made the “music to quilt by” list. May your day render high returns and satisfaction, Wendy.

  13. Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections

    Thank you for the wonderful background music for my blog reading time. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re most welcome, Frank.

  14. petespringerauthor

    As a music connoisseur (ahem, ?), I can’t wait for my CD.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, indeed, you do have good taste (said in a playful, not boastful manner). I’m hoping to drop it in the post this afternoon. BC sends you a notice once I enter a tracking number.
      Thanks again, Pete!

  15. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    Laura, a beautiful and uplifting start to my day! Thank you. <3 Exquisite music!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Cheryl, you are most welcome. We all need an uplift from time to time, don’t we?

  16. L. Marie

    Yay! I ordered a CD! Woo!!! Thank you for all of your hard work on this, Laura. (Twice now, sorry about that.) But beautiful music!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Mille Grazie, L.Marie! I greatly appreciate your long time support of my music.

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