The road ends, but the journey continues...

Betwixt & Between my Purple Patch Flights of Fancy

It’s been awhile since I last posted. I have noticed many of the bloggers/musicians/writers/quilters/artists/poets/photographers/aka-everyday people I follow are also more silent than active on their website/blogs these days.

So, I’m in good company. ?

I like how those same blog-buds just post something – whenever – without apologizing for not having posted for a good long time…so in that light, I do likewise in today’s post.

I’d like to add that I appreciate when those same blog-buds give heads up on taking longer breaks from their blog…so in that light I will do likewise, whenever that time comes.

Fact is, I’m in a Purple Patch. That’s a cool term I learned from Andy, my Manc Poet Bud. It essentially means – I’m on a creative roll!

This is a good thing.

My Purple Patch feels like I can fly like a butterfly!

I’m also juggling & planning some ‘normal’ life stuff betwixt and between (aha – notice another Brit phrase?) my Purple Patch Flights of Fancy.

This is also a good thing.


It includes an In Person, Face-to-Face, Thanksgiving Family Feast this year!

Yippee! Dance of Joy!

For the record, the youngsters and their respective significant others are all double vaxxed, me and hubby are triple vaxxed and we’re all ready to mix and mingle, give thanks and celebrate.

In addition, we’ll all be meeting our ‘almost-daughter-in-law’ for the very first time in person.

And, don’t you know, she’ll be in good company. ?


  1. Annika Perry

    Laura, it is amazing to be able to meet up with family and friends once again and hope you had a very special Thanksgiving! Yeah! Great news about the creative roll – that’s fantastic! Oh yes, I am one of those bloggers who disappears for a while, then returns out of the blue! As I don’t even know my own schedule it’s not easy to forewarn others.

    Wishing you a fabulous Christmas and all the best for the New Year! xx

    • laura bruno lilly

      HA! Well, I’m always glad to see ya whenever ya return out of the blue!
      All the best back atchya this Christmas and 2022!

      • Annika Perry

        Bless … thank you! That means a lot … I do have a tendency to go AWOL, don’t I??

        • laura bruno lilly

          …which helps ease my own ‘guilt’ of going AWOL, too!

  2. Luanne

    Congrats on your purple patch! I’m scooching myself into one of those as best I can!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Every little scooch counts!

  3. Jennie

    Wonderful news, Laura! We are seeing our son for the first time in two years. Like you, everyone is double and triple vaccinated and VERY excited to be together. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yippee for us!

      • Jennie


  4. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    Have an awesome Thanksgiving holiday with your family, Laura! <3 <3 <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Cheryl – and (he)arts back atchya (emoji’s don’t work for me!)

  5. marissthequilter

    Wishing you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving. Savour it. There is nothing quite like having all one’s offspring and their spice around the same table.
    I am delighted that your in a purple patch. The Brit phrase would be in clover (methinks), which is in fact green. But then we don’t know if we all see the same hue when we name a colour, anyway!
    Of course you are in good company. Ahem.

    • laura bruno lilly

      ‘…and their spice’ excellent phrase, Mariss – I’ll be sharing that thought over the table, I think the kid-in-laws will be delighted!
      And. Ahem. Duly noted and agreed upon.

  6. Khaya Ronkainen

    Kudos for being on a creative roll, Laura. Can’t wait to see what you come up with. 🙂
    And absolutely, there’s no need to apologize. Blogging is a marathon that shouldn’t feel like labour but fun. So, it’s always good to pause and catch one’s breathe. I had to look up the word “vaxxed” lol! Learning new words, everyday.

    Enjoy your Purple Patch Flights of Fancy (that’d make a great title for a song or book, btw) and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Funny, I thought the same about PPFofF being a great book title, too!
      To be on the safe side (because the world is a crazy place these days, taking word definition hostage at times!) I’m meaning ‘vaxxed’ as a slangy term in the sense of having been vaccinated (and happily so!)
      Hope you’re weathering the change of seasons.

  7. Andy

    Your use of Brit phrases is going through a real purple patch ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      As always, Andy – you’re spot-on!

  8. Janis @

    I love the term, Purple Patch! I’m definitely one of those bloggers who has been less active lately. That may change soon but, if it doesn’t, oh well. So happy for you that you will be gathering with family and friends for Thanksgiving. Enjoy!

    • laura bruno lilly

      “if it doesn’t, oh well.’ Yep I can relate!
      Thanks so much for checking in at ‘my place’, Janis. And whenever your next post comes out, you know, I’ll be checking in at yours!!!!
      Meanwhile: Thanksgiving – here we come!

  9. Lots of wonderful alliteration in “Purple Patch Flights of Fancy”! You are going to have a glorious Thanksgiving and I bet you are having fun planning your menu. Enjoy your creativity roll and I think blogging should be set aside when creativity is on fire! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      I love it when alliterative phrases naturally roll off the tongue, don’t you?! Thanks for your good wishes – I hope your holiday is deeply enriching, too!

  10. zippyquilts

    Sounds terrific!

  11. Ally Bean

    Bloggers come and go. It’s a sad truth of blogging. Some people I figure will always be around, but others seem to fade away, never to be heard from again. When I leave I’ll announce it, but I’m not quite to that point… yet.

    • laura bruno lilly

      MS Bean, I’ve noticed your waffling back and forth on that precipice…Meanwhile, I’m happy to be one of your musical moonbeams for however long you’ll be staying around!

  12. petespringerauthor

    Isn’t it funny how sometimes it takes a tragedy (in this case, a pandemic) to appreciate something a little bit more? Let’s hope there are more family gatherings of appreciation to be together again this year rather than squabbling political get-togethers where somebody gets pissed and leaves early.

    • laura bruno lilly

      How true…

  13. rl2b2017

    Hi Laura! So nice to hear from you and with such fabulous news. Yippee to in-person thankful sharing. We are going to give it a go as well. {{Hugs}} a bunch. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Enjoy the heck out of the gathering!! ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh you betchya I will! You, too!

  14. deborahbrasket

    I love that, a purple patch of creativity! I’m happy to hear that and also about your Thanksgiving family gathering. We’re having one too this year, what a blessing. I’m always happy to hear from you, however often you blog. We all slow down now and then! Happy Thanksgiving if I don’t hear from you before then, flower sister.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, blessings all around the table this year!

  15. piecefulwendy

    Oh, a creative roll! I look forward to hearing more about that when you feel like sharing 🙂 Enjoy your family Thanksgiving – sounds like it will be joyful and fun!

    • laura bruno lilly

      But Wendy, you’re **always** on a creative roll – you never seem to slow down!

      • piecefulwendy

        Well, today I mostly sat in a chair and snuggled the cat ?

  16. L. Marie

    Love that patch, Laura! Such a vivid shade of purple.
    So glad you’ll have an in-person Thanksgiving. Mine might be very different from last year due to my car situation. But God is still good!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I hope things get settled for you before too long and before the winter for sure.

  17. LA

    So excited for you!

  18. Laura

    Your Thanksgiving news is fantastic! Family first! And for the first time in years I will also be with family for Thanksgiving! Hubby and I have the privilege to take my 90 year old Mom, and our 18 year old grandson over to the coast to be with our son and his family. I am thrilled!

    Sometimes I feel guilty about not being a regular blogger, and not sharing more about my personal life, but on the whole…I don’t. I wish I could say that I am in a Purple Patch during those silent times, but that isn’t always true. Sometimes there is nothing more exciting to share than that I worked all day and became a couch potato at night. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      HaHa, Laura, I can relate to your last sentence – Purple Patch and all!

  19. Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections

    Good points, Laura. I’m one who announces blog break. Some are planned, others are out of necessity. The last one, out of necessity, turned out to be longer than I planned. On the plus side, I needed it. Blogs should be part of life – but not consuming. Cheers to your creative roll and all vaccines in place. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      I’m all about a non-all-consuming blog lifestyle!
      I hope your upcoming holidays are filled with plenty of beachy-type adventures.

      • Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections

        Some of us learn that the hard way. Speaking of the beach, I invite you to see the previous walk (before Details). Because you are a musician, I think you’ll like it.

        • laura bruno lilly

          I shall take a gander at it, Frank!

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