The road ends, but the journey continues...

Collaged Times with Dad

I thought perhaps a little photo collage of my time spent with Dad would be kind of refreshing for anyone interested.  Usually I send off a few select photos to those on my ‘little list’, this time I’m sharing them with all of you – on my ‘little list’ and in the blog-o-sphere!

Me, Dad and Terry Colorado 2016

Me, Dad and Terry

So, to continue…

Joe & hubby goofing off after dinner

Joe & hubby goofing off after dinner

Terry got to visit with Dad two times before he had to leave. The night before Terry left, Joe came over and we had a great mini-family dinner.


Dad at 93 practising his clarinet 2016

Dad at 93 practicing his clarinet (2016)

One day I walked in on Dad tooting the ole liquorice stick…
Dick with his first side by side milkshake

Dick with his first side by side milkshake (mine is on the left for art’s sake)

After one of many ‘care conferences’ for Dad, I treated baby bro to his first ever Steak and Shake side-by-side milkshake…and as a dutiful sister, promptly got him addicted!
Dad listening to Joe play.

Dad listening to Joe play.


Later, when Joe and I visited Dad, he didn’t feel like playing. He offered both his sax and clarinet for Joe to play instead. While I held up the sheet music, Joe sight-read an assortment of Dad’s arrangements of Jazz-standards.

Joe, Dad and me

Joe, Dad and me

Joe with his granpa Jazzman

Hamming it up for the photo-op

Wondering why Dad is always wearing his cap and jacket? It’s just all part of the mix of getting older I guess since it was close to 90F outside!
Al Bruno at 93

Here’s lookin’ at ya!

One day, Dad did decide to shed all that baggage!
Michelle Solorio, Al Bruno, Laura Lilly

Michelle, Dad and me

Towards the end of my extended stay, Michelle came into town for a friend’s wedding.
We got to see Dad one last time before I left.
And, I got to cook for my two kiddos…
Brother & Sister Together 4ever

Brother & Sister Together 4ever


  1. Sylvia

    Such precious photos of you and the family with your dear dad. I love the one of him playing the ‘liquorice stick’. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Just a wisp of what he once ‘was’ – yet the music still is there for him when he reaches out for it.
      Thank you for stopping by, Sylvia.

  2. Lulu

    Beautiful pictures, Laura. The love shared within your family is such a precious thing. It is so vibrant in the photographs and in your words. Thank you for sharing such a personal and private glimpse into your time with your dad. Sending up a prayer for you and yours tonight. <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Prayers much appreciated and accepted with gusto.

  3. Anna Scott Graham

    These are more precious than my words can acknowledge; such special moments for you all, in myriad ways. Thank you for sharing; my love and prayers are with you. 😉
    Those milkshakes look divine, just letting you know. 😀

    • laura bruno lilly

      You definitely ‘get it’ and I appreciate the support I feel from you, Anna.
      As for those milkshakes – if ever you find a Steak and Shake in the Bay Area, run (do not walk) inside and order one of their side-by-sides!

  4. Jennie Fitzkee

    Laura, this is wonderful! I knew you do music, and reading how your Dad was also an accomplished musician was heartwarming. More importantly, you painted a lovely picture of your Dad with photos and words. -Jennie-

    • laura bruno lilly

      Coming from ‘teacher’, this is high praise, indeed…thank you for that!

  5. Linda W.

    So musical talent runs in families, I see. 🙂 What a lovely way to bring us along on your visit, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Glad you took a peek at the collage, Linda. How’s the writing going?

  6. Andy

    Was it from your Dad you got your love of music?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Dad was the pro-Jazz musician and Ma loved all types of music, especially opera. Growing up we could belt out arias at the drop of a hat.

  7. J N Pretty On Top

    I’m so glad y’all got to see him and each other. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Me, too…each moment is precious.
      Virtual hug to you, Jerusha (they don’t hurt!)

  8. Jane Chesebrough

    I like the collage idea. It was a pleasure to get to know your family.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Jane, you’re a sweetie to say so…

  9. Lillian Batarseh

    Talk about precious memories! Thanks for sharing. I was especially enamored of the snapshot of your dad “practicing” the clarinet!

    • laura bruno lilly

      You are more than welcome, Madame Lillian. Thank you for stopping by!

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