The road ends, but the journey continues...

Day One: Goofy Three Quotes – Three Days

I was recently nominated for the 3 Quotes/3 Days challenge, again.  And I accepted because I really enjoy putting my quotes out there…(My first challenge included these as my selections: first, second, third).
This time I decided to spin the challenge using goofy, non-social statement type quotes.  Perhaps they will give you a respite from the ever present more serious issues surrounding us.

The rules of the challenge are:

1) Thank the person who nominated you.
2) Post a quote each day for 3 days.
3) Each day nominate 3 new bloggers to take part.

Thank-you to LuLu (we share Laura as our first name!) for the nomination. Click your way to her blog and you’ll find a deep, compassionate young woman writing through her own trials and triumphs with a heart for touching others and a gift of words.
LuLu, I hope you’ll not be too disappointed in my goofy, non-wise/non-insightful selections…(RE: “You have such a wonderful perspective and wise insight.” LuLu)

Here then is my Day One Goofy Quote – These minion guys always make me smile…notice the word coffee on the mug is in, what, mirror writing?

minions coffee quote

 My three nominees for Day One are:
– Janis at Retirementally Challenged
Anna Scott Graham
Hilary Clark, Quilt Artist


  1. Lulu

    Hahahaha!!!! I burst into peals of laughter when I read these words. I’m about to go put on the morning coffee pot. Reading your quote was perfectly timed, especially because I managed to get myself very anxious about my to-do list yesterday. There is something completely magical about humor that keeps life in beautiful perspective. Thank you! Can’t wait to read quotes 2 and 3. (P.S. Thank you for your lovely compliment on my blog.)

    • laura bruno lilly

      I can almost hear your laughter over the internet…and it makes me smile.

  2. Anna Scott Graham

    Oh how lovely! I’m in, and my goodness, I love your quote for today!! 😀

    • laura bruno lilly

      Don’tchya just love those minions?
      I’m thrilled you’re grabbing the challenge! Looking forward to reading your selections.

  3. L. Marie

    That quote makes me laugh, because I have a huge mug of coffee right next to me. 🙂 And I love the minions too.
    Hope your coffee helps you have a productive day, Laura! I know mine will. 😉

    • laura bruno lilly

      But of course, nothing makes us feel so empowered as to have a mug of freshly brewed java by our side, eh? 😀
      I’m right on track, I hope you are, too…

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