The road ends, but the journey continues...


The post following this sticky note, Alice Fulton Quote, Beethoven and My Music seems to have been an unknowing experiment.  The cdbaby songplayer widget I placed at the end of the post functions differently in reality than as a previewed post.
I apologize for that.
Meanwhile, I’m going to wait out a few hours and see if this is more an exception than the rule to using this device.  So that it won’t inconvenience your reading/listening experience of my most recent posting, I offer to you here another means to listen to the single off of unexpected with the most digital listens as referenced in Alice Fulton Quote, Beethoven and My Music.
Here then is Hatikvah.



  1. Jerry Nine

    Very Soothing! Love your style!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you kindly, JR.
      Stay safe.

  2. L. Marie

    I was able to play the song in the other post. But it’s nice to hear it again. Very lovely, Laura! If this represents your “old” stuff, well, we’re in for a treat with your new projects.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for letting me know it works in the original post…I think I’ll keep this post in the line-up, just not sticky noted (once I do another article)
      I appreciate the enthusiasm you show for my past work and sight-unseen (rather, unheard!) future work. Swimming with Swans: the music will hopefully begin recording sessions in late winter/early spring. I’m diligently working on grant funding for part of it with a final deadline for the application(s) December 31st.

  3. Anna Scott Graham

    Oh what beautiful music! The previous post is very intriguing; material we have crafted is indeed new to others, while quietly dwelling within our hearts. I love the image of you sifting through records, 78s especially! Then playing all those albums, some on yellow vinyl even, makes my soul sing!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for stopping by, Anna!
      It’s amazing to me how much bad handling those records got, yet they survived!

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