The road ends, but the journey continues...

Alice Fulton Quote, Beethoven and My Music

Alice Fulton Quote

‘It will be new whether you make it new or not’ – Alice Fulton, Poetry, October 2013

I have to admit that when I first saw this quote, I didn’t fully comprehend its meaning. While the artwork makes for a beautiful visual, it didn’t aid in my understanding of the written text. But something subliminal captured the attention of my subconscious brain, prompting a silent rumination over the course of several months.
Bits and pieces of enlightenment would come to the forefront of my consciousness, until at last I had a mini-Aha! moment:

Beethoven and my first encounter with his 9th Symphony.

When I was a teenager, I dug out my parents’ old 78s from the shelves in their walk-in cedar closet.  Sorting through the stacks, I recognized most of the tunes and placed them in their respective piles – Ma’s stuff, Dad’s stuff and corny stuff.  My baby brother and I grew up dancing in the living room listening to all of it, including the ever present live gig-prep practicing of Dad’s – From Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci (Ma’s stuff) to Charlie Parker’s Yardbird Suite (Dad’s stuff) to Jimmy Durante’s Bill Bailey (corny stuff).
Scattered among those records were some 33s pressed on yellow-vinyl. Intrigued, I noticed they were mostly classical (by genre, not era) recordings. Beethoven’s Symphonies were recorded in a huge boxed set of 33s. I decided to listen to all of them, going from last to first.
That 9th symphony – composed in 1824 – was new to my 1971 ears.

“It will be new whether you make it new or not”

I listened to it over and over alongside some of my favorite records at the time: The White Album, and Jesus Christ Superstar.
Beethoven, the Beatles and Andrew Lloyd Webber. A motley crew, all strangely powerful and new to me.
Now, I am no Beethoven, but that mini-Aha! moment became more of a major-Aha! moment for me recently.
Since last May, sales of music from my cd, unexpected, increased significantly. Why? This recording was released in 2007.  In terms of musical output, it represents old stuff. I use it now more as a demo of sorts; an example of the breadth and quality of my playing for marketing, colleague introductions, resume point of reference and so on.
There have been many projects, performances and pieces learned since then till now. Immersed as I’ve been in my Swimming with Swans: the music project, striving to put out this new material, I’d forgotten that to those who’d never heard my stuff before:

“It will be new whether I (you) make it new or not”

Below is the single off of unexpected with the most digital listens since its release in 2007, Hatikvah.

 I wish you peace.


  1. Andy

    I agree with all of the comments, Laura, that was beautiful.
    Like you, I had/have a very eclectic taste when it comes to music. Anything from Beethoven and Mozart, through to 1930’s Blues right up to artists of the present day. And of course, as you know, Beatles !
    I recently bought Story Of A Heart by the Benny Andersson Orchestra, (he of Abba fame) after hearing the title song somewhere. It is a very diverse album from pop song to waltzes to Swedish Folk. I got it after hearing the ‘pop’ song, but my favourite track is the moving classical/instrumental Song From The Second Floor.
    Like your track here, it evokes a sense of peace.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for stopping by and visiting, Andy. I checked out Song From The Second Floor. What amazes me is the phenom as described in this very post can be applied to this very song: it seems you/I have just ‘discovered’ it and yet it’s been released for many years. 😎
      Yes, it is a lovely piece.
      Thanks for sharing a song with me…here’s one for you to complete the swap:
      Timeless by the Airborne Toxic Event with The Calder Quartet (I linked it to the blog post I featured it in, just cuz…)
      Enjoy your published-poetry-high!

  2. L. Marie

    Wow. That song was beautiful, Laura, as are the others on your CD. I didn’t know you had one. You probably mentioned it before. I’m glad to know where I can get it.
    The quote intrigues me. It’s nice when someone considers your work a “new” discovery. It reminds me that for everything, there is a season, as Ecclesiastes tells us. I’m glad the jump in sales was a good reminder of the beauty in your past work.

    • laura bruno lilly

      What kind comments…
      Yep, that quote is one to ponder and is also encouraging.

  3. Deborah Brasket

    Lovely post, including the song. It seems everything is “new” when we encounter it in the moment, as if for the first time. And nothing is actually new at all, when looked at another way, perhaps. Lots to think about here.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Your comments are quite philosophical for one so immersed in the everyday sweetness of being an at-home-hands-on-24-7 Granma. 😉

  4. Geralyn

    Beautiful, Laura. I had to google Hatikvah, wasn’t familiar with the word. This piece sounds haunting and hopeful, if that makes sense. Love the quote!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Geralyn. And yes, haunting and hopeful makes sense.
      For me, I tend to gravitate towards the words yearning and hopeful

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