The road ends, but the journey continues...


It’s that time of year again, folks. At the stroke of midnight, October 31st, 2015 (or is it technically November 1st at the stroke of midnight?) I will not embark upon my fourth NaNoWriMo.
I removed that cool NaNo word counter widget from the sidebar just today, thus making my announcement official.
Bottom line: I am in the midst of a few grant deadlines which require reducing word count rather than inflating it.
All the best to you crazies as you scribble the days and nights away during this month of November.
50k is a big deal…


  1. Jane Chesebrough

    I have no idea what you are talking about but from what you say today , will leave everything “as is.”November is a great month for evening sunsets so hope to capture a few images. And good wishes to you…

    • laura bruno lilly

      HA! Welcome to the world of NaNo-talk where November is National Novel Writing Month.
      Will hop over and take a look at your newest images.

  2. Geralyn

    I’ve never participated and really don’t know what it entails beyond what I’ve read on other blogs. Maybe I’ll do my own version to help me write more. Hmm, we shall see. Good luck with grants, Laura

    • laura bruno lilly

      Geralyn, it is worth the trying!
      I’ll be diving in for another deep focus on the grants tomorrow, I’ll take your good wishes!

  3. L. Marie

    I also will not be participating in NaNo this year, though I did a modified version of it one year (30,000 words). I’ve got curriculum to write along with a novel and a revision of one. So I’m with you!
    Best wishes to all who will NaNo!

    • laura bruno lilly

      So it should be: No2NaNo4Us
      Good luck with the novel and revisions. (Still praying for your mom)

      • L. Marie

        Thank you! I appreciate it and I know Mom does!

        • Deidre E. Johnson (Dei)

          Hey there! It’s me, Dei (formerly insightcreations). I’ve deleted my blog. I’m re-grouping, and planning to start a new one. I haven’t forgotten you, though! Xoxoxo ❤️

          • laura bruno lilly

            Thanks for the update. Please let me know when your new website/blog is up and running. Huge hug to you, my friend.

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