The road ends, but the journey continues...

Me & the Board & Moving Forward

Me & the Goodwill Educational & Historical Society, Inc Board Left to Right: Ada Lyn Jones, Donise White, James Boyd, Laura Bruno Lilly, William Remmes (President), Louise D. Bevan, Rev. Carnell Hampton, Ruby Jean Boyd

Me & the Goodwill Educational & Historical Society, Inc Board
Left to Right: Ada Lyn Jones, Donise White, James Boyd, Laura Bruno Lilly, William Remmes (President), Louise D. Bevan, Rev. Carnell Hampton, Ruby Jean Boyd

I fully intended on posting a ‘thoughtful article on my first SwS presentation’ as mentioned here. Obviously, I haven’t been able to quite pull one together. Yes, the June 3rd featured event at the Goodwill Cultural Center was a huge success and the thrill of introducing the public to my Goat Suite (Saga), the related creative process and how it all occurred while in the midst of our non-traditional between homes journey was some kind of high. But what really makes this experience stand out for me is the fact that all of the Goodwill Educational & Historical Society, Inc board members attended it.  In the world of the working musician, this is quite an anomaly.
I keep perusing these two photos* taken afterwards. The genuine expressions of joy shining through the faces of those photographed remind me of the spirit of the place; the delight of the moment.
On the steps of the Goodwill Cultural Center Mayesville, SC

On the steps of the Goodwill Cultural Center Mayesville, SC
Left to Right: Laura Bruno Lilly, Terry W. Lilly, James Boyd, William Remmes

I have long since done my own personal ‘performance assessment’, ferreting out solutions to challenges encountered during the actual performance. Specifically: in the transition from spoken word performance to the focus required in performing on an instrument – a very real hurdle for the brain in switching gears.
Quotes and clips have been gathered for use in future marketing and grant proposal endeavors; bits of prose and musical phrases have been tweeked; new contacts have been made and old ones reignited…I’m ready to move forward!
*photos by Jayne Bowers used with permission; content of photos used with permission


  1. Jo Maxwell

    Congratulations! What a great accomplishment.

  2. Anna Scott Graham

    Again congrats on such a special moment, and while I’m on that subject, congrats to you and TWL; how I missed the previous post, I can’t say, but yay for you two! 😉

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, bud!

  3. Andy

    Linda beat me to what I was going to say-about how music brings people together. Communities are built on shared purposes and love. Here’s to the future! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Here-Here! (said in Manc-accent!)

  4. Lisa

    So happy for you and the success of your project! Just proves the power of one individual to make a creative and cultural difference in our world, one note at a time!

    • laura bruno lilly

      May I quote you?! One note at a time…nice!
      Thanks, Lisa, looking forward to seeing you while we’re all in town!

  5. L. Marie

    “[T]he fact that all of the Goodwill Educational & Historical Society, Inc board members attended it. “–That is amazing, Laura! It definitely sounds like a huge success! I’m so thrilled for you and thrilled for your audience. Music is such a community builder.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Linda! It’s even more incredible to me because the community itself is tiny and spread out over many miles.
      peace, friend

  6. Janis

    You look so happy! What a great turnout and a wonderful tribute to your talent.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh yeah, very happy! 🙂
      Thank you for the kudos…always appreciated!

  7. Jennie Fitzkee

    The fact that everyone is there, for the event and the photo, is huge. Wonderful!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I knew you’d ‘get it’ Jennie. 🙂

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