The road ends, but the journey continues...

Memorial Day 2020

Please Honor Memorial Day

Find the cost of freedom,
Buried in the ground.
Mother earth will swallow you,
Lay your body down.

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young


I humbly believe this tribute does not take away from the honoring of our Veterans – My Dad, 2 Uncles and Father-in-Law served in WWII, hubby & 2 cousins during Vietnam and various nephews served during and since the Gulf War. My Sister-in-Law, 5 cousins and a niece are essential health-care providers during this war against COVID-19 – thankfully our family has not suffered any casualties.



  1. Catherine de Seton

    here in New Zealand, the memory of freedom is based around ANZAC day: April 25th each year. This year was to be vastly different. No one could “gather” it was full on lockdown. So people were asked if they wish to stand (in their bubbles) either at the end of their driveway, at their gate or on their balcony at around 6am (dawn service rejig) and in some towns and suburbs people played the “Last Post”
    There was a photograph of groupings here and there including our PM – Jacinda Ardern and her bubble in front of Premier House, in Wellington….

    • laura bruno lilly

      Very fine, Catherine.

  2. Ally Bean

    Grateful to those who have served. Grateful to those who are on the front lines of the pandemic. Pretty much grateful to everyone who can do that which I cannot do so that I remain safe. That’s how I think about this day.

    • laura bruno lilly

      ‘grateful to everyone who can do that which I cannot do..’ very true!

  3. Marty

    Ah, a perfect song tribute for today. I love Stephen Stills’ coda to it several years later, “Daylight Again.” Cheers to all the veterans in your family, Laura.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, that’s a good one, Marty.

  4. Jill

    I’m so thankful for those who currently serve and have served in our military and those front line workers caring for the sick.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You and me both, Jill.

  5. Janis

    So much to be grateful for and so many to be grateful to. Maybe this Memorial Day can be one of quiet reflection instead of celebration, which it has somehow morphed into over the years.

  6. Mariss Stevens

    Salutations to you and your family

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Mariss!

  7. Mary

    Nice post. Both my parents served in WW II—that’s how they met! Stay well.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Sweet – a family story easily passed on throughout the generations.
      You take care, too!

  8. Jane Chesebrough

    Thank you for this. It is so good to remember and be grateful.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You are most welcome, Jane.

  9. L. Marie

    Grateful for the service of so many men and women in the military! Grateful also for the service of health care workers these days. May God bless their efforts!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thinking of your niece, also…

  10. Amanda Cade

    Sincere thanks to your family for their service in the armed forces and on the front lines of the pandemic.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Peace and safety to you and yours.

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