The road ends, but the journey continues...

Random Miscellanea During Inclement Weather

It is Monday and we are several days into an ‘historic’ rainfall that is saturating inland as well as coastal South Carolina.  Luckily the newest hurricane threat Joaquin, destined for landing along the Carolinas, diverted out to the Atlantic Friday evening.  If not for that, it would have amped up an already massive waterload to a super-storm much like what happened along the Jersey shore a few winters ago.

newspaper photo flooding in florence sc

flooding in Florence, SC

rainstorm florence sc

going nowhere fast

It’s interesting to note that these torrential downpours differ from Colorado storms in many ways.  The most striking is in the delivery.  Sheets of rain fall down in a soft pattering soak here in the swamp, while mile high storms tend to pelt the earth with bullet drops.  But, either way, flooding is flooding leaving catastrophic consequences in its wake.
All that to say, our little rental is built on what I call ‘stilts’, so we are dry for the duration even though our normally swampy, spongey yard areas are now covered over with lake-like water.  Many others have not fared as well, I’m sorry to say.
Curious and FraidyCat

Curious and FraidyCat

Our front porch continues to provide safe refuge for MamaCass (like the new expanded name?  Cassie works as an appropriate nickname, too) and her two newest babies.  Hubby named them both this time around.  Curious (the calico) and FraidyCat (the black and white).  Long story short, MamaCass gave birth on Labor Day.  Curious was so tiny and blended in with her mother’s own calico coat, we thought Cassie had only the one kitten, Fraidy.  After a few days, the mini-litter disappeared from behind the outdoor AC/Heating Unit under our kitchen window to some undisclosed place.  Cassie frequented our front porch so often throughout the following days and weeks, we thought for sure her tiny bundles didn’t survive.
MamaCass and her bundle of two

MamaCass and her bundle of two have taken over our front porch and hearts yet again

…Until September 30th when MamaCass introduced me to her wobbly-walking offspring.  Driving into the driveway that day after errands, I spied MamaCass lying alongside the bottom of the porch steps and oddball fuzzies floating behind her.

– Cassie’s babies were alive –

Since Thursday, October 1st, MamaCass and kitties have sequestered themselves by the front door…waiting out the storm…like the rest of us.

MamaCass nursing Curious and Fraidy

“All is well, we are safe, hope you are, too.”

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety
Psalm 4:8


  1. Geralyn

    Glad you, Cassie, Curious and Fraidy weathered the rain in the comfort of your home (and porch). The kitties are adorable and MamaCass is pretty. Have a good, hopefully dry, weekend, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Funny you should comment on the adorableness of these common kitties…considering all those cool exotic African animals you walked amongst just a few weeks ago!
      Thanks for the good wishes!

  2. Anna Scott Graham

    A very peaceful spirit reigns despite the storms; one of the parts I love most about this blog!
    And kittens, well, who doesn’t love such adorable kittens? Mama was keeping you all on tenterhooks, but what beautiful babies she has. So glad you all are safe, and I do wish for a manner in which to trade weather, if just for a little bit. 😉

    • laura bruno lilly

      Totally understand about the need for water in the West. I still keep a ‘recycle water jug’ on our kitchen counter by the sink. I use the ‘used’ water collected for my porch plants. In the case of this past storm, it was at the ready to be used for toilet flushes if need be! Ah, but that’s TMI, right? 😎

  3. L. Marie

    Oh my word!!! Sooo glad that you’re safe and dry. (I put you on the prayer list.) You are quite the rescuer! I’m glad you spotted MamaCass’s offspring.
    I haven’t see Feral–the orange tabby who appears now and then. He came once a month ago. We feed him, then he dashes off for months at a time.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Crazy cats, ya gotta love ’em!

  4. Booker

    So glad to hear you are safe. Smart car to pick your home as a safe haven.

    • Booker

      Smart CAT.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Booker.

  5. David Rastall

    I’m glad to hear that you guys are safe. That’s pretty serious flooding! We’ve had some in our neck of the woods, but the big rains have been mostly in the Roanoke, Lynchburg area. Being close to the DC area, we’re getting the edge of the hurricane as it moves north. We saw the sun for the first time in a week today, but there’s more rain to come. So stay safe. I’ve been playing music a lot during these rainy days. You too I imagine.
    David R

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, to that, luterbuddy! Remember when the lute list had set a time to celebrate a ren-guy’s birthday via all of us sitting down and playing one of his pieces all at the ‘same’ time wherever we were at that time? What was that composer’s name?
      Anyway, nice to know we’re both on our respective practice stools doin’ what we were meant to do.
      You and Bobbi stay safe and dry, too.

  6. Jayne

    I love how despite the rains and winds, you always manage to maintain a peaceful center and and calm spirit.

    • laura bruno lilly

      …And I love how we both used the word ‘sequestered’ in our respective blog posts. 😉
      Take care, stay safe, friend.

  7. Bob Cloud

    The news here had some pictures of that part of the world that showed the high water. As the hurricane pushes out to sea it’s thought the rain may lighten up. Hope you and yours stay dry and safe.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for those well wishes. So far, so good! We just have a few soggy water patches on our ceiling that we’ll have to alert the landlord to soon. But no evidence of leakage coming from the roof when we examined the attic. So many others have so much more to worry over.

  8. Becky

    Wow; you guys are really getting hit with the weather! I’m so glad you have a place that will stay dry. Precious kittens to play with until the weather breaks.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh yes, they love to spread the love. 🙂

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