The road ends, but the journey continues...


Bright Delight is a Grand Slam Finish!

Bright Delight finish #1
Bright Delight 2020 LBL (27.5 in x 35.5 in)

First introduced as Michelle’s African Fabric wall hanging, this project has been a ToDo since ToDoTuesdaySix where I detail the story & history of the fabric along with a few of my initial stabs at working on it. Then came a short progress update on ToDoTuesdaySeven. By then I had chosen the block pattern, sewn the complete quilt top, put together quilt sandwich samples to test deco threads and ultimately chose the copper metallic & variegated green rayon threads for use in the next stage of the project.

I then rolled it all up and set it aside.

After several weeks of leaving it be, I began again in earnest layering and readying it for machine blanket stitching around the design blocks.

Early on I decided to use a double batt – with a low loft poly batt to add some subtle puffiness to the top when machine stitched and an 80/20 batt against the backing fabric for ease of machine stitching while also giving the finished piece a nicer drape against the wall.

Bright Delight machine blanket stitching with copper metallic thread
Spray & hand basted design block machine blanket stitched with copper metallic thread

After spray basting the two batting layers together, I then treated them as a single layer of batting. I continued spray basting the top, batting and backing into a completed quilt sandwich. In addition, I hand basted around each block to give them extra security.

Starting from the center and continuing outwards, each design block in the middle vertical column was machine blanket stitched using the copper metallic thread. The rest of the blocks were machine blanket stitched with the variegated green rayon thread.

Once the deco stitching was finished,* I squared up the quilt and prepped it for the next stage of completion. Using the walking foot, I basted 1/8th of an inch from the edge of the piece attaching the hanging pockets, label and special Cote d’Ivoire selvage tab.

Next steps? Constructed the binding and sewed it onto the front of the piece taking care to miter those corners! Folded over the binding to the back, clamped it in place and took my time hand stitching the final folds to completion.

Now 100% completed and on its way via the USPS to middle daughter Michelle and son-in-law David:

Bright Delight is a Grand Slam Finish!

*I will discuss the details involved with working with metallic and specialty threads in another post, as it required a whole different set of tools and techniques to pull off a consistent finish. Also will detail specifics on constructing hanging pockets, achieving perfect miters & easy binding joins, and a few backstories to keep it all from getting too dry a read! For those of you interested in greater depth on these parts of the process, I look forward to sharing my newfound insights & tips with you at that time.

Thank-you Roseanne for offering this opportunity to share my finish.


  1. merrildsmith

    It’s beautiful! You must feel when you complete a quilt. My husband’s grandmother made beautiful quilts. I can’t sew at all. ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you! Glad to offer some eye candy and gladder still you stopped by to see it.

  2. zippyquilts

    It looks great! I love that you made the selvage visible.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Mary! Not just for the kudos, but also for the inspiration via your ‘floating blocks’ post.

  3. Jennie

    This actually makes me very sad in the best of ways. Your quilting is creative, just like Millie’s. I took her way beyond what she had ever done, thanks to children, and the rest is history. I look at your work and know in my heart you would be a Millie, working with children, and making quilts that landed in museums. I can tell these things. Thank you, Laura.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I am touched at being likened as ‘another Millie’…that is quite the compliment.
      I am happy that you are sad…in the best of ways.

      • Jennie


  4. Jane's Heartsong

    I sewed one square once. I liked it, but that was it. I gave my sewing machine away to a neighbour when I moved. Quite the project you have there, am sure it will be greatly appreciated. I like the blanket stitching.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Jane. The machine blanket stitching is a great compromise between doing everything by hand as it produces a nice finished effect without looking ‘fakey’

  5. cedar51

    a treasure takes time, and you’ve made a wonderful treasure which will soon be with your family members to cherish for a long time…

    • laura bruno lilly

      A treasure takes time…point well taken, Catherine.

  6. Lisa Kleist

    BRAVA ! Bella trapunta sorella amico!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Mille grazie, con affetto!

  7. anne54

    This lovely will brighten up your daughter’s life every time she passes it. To know that it is made specially for her by her mum will make it even more special.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you for that visual…it brightens up my mind thinking of that!


    This is lovely, Laura! I am sure it will be a cherished family heirloom for a long time to come! <3

    Take care, Cheryl

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Cheryl I hope you’re bracing for the double whammy storms of M & L. Stay safe.

  9. deborahbrasket

    It’s gorgeous! Your daughter and son-in-law will be thrilled. I’ve never quilted. The closest I’ve come is crocheting a baby blanket! But reading through all the detail of what it takes to make one like you did makes my head spin. I don’t think id have the fortitude to do quilting. But I definitely admire it. You are amazing!

    • laura bruno lilly

      You are sweet to say so, Deborah. This piece brought me back to a state of ‘mindfulness’ in my approach to piecing/construction. Very satisfying for me in the making of it.

  10. Chela's Colchas y Mas

    Thank you for sharing the process in quilting. It truly is a Bright Delight.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you for saying so, Chela. Coming from you that’s a huge compliment. 🙂

  11. Janis @

    So beautiful! I love the metallic thread. I never thought about spray basting… hopefully I can remember that tip next time I need it 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      There’s differences between brands of spray basting – so follow manufacturer’s directions whenever you do get around to using that product. But no hurry, you’re still creating a lovely fabric stash – which is sooooo fun in and of itself! HA!

  12. rl2b2017

    Good morning! Hey, I recognize those fabrics. A good friend sent me a block EXACTLY like your piece. Hmm. Oh, that’s right – it’s you! {{Hugs}} Bright & Delight – I love it. The perfect name, and I am 100% certain that Michelle and David will adore it. Thanks so much for linking up today! ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      HeeHee. There is a “link” between us on this “Linky Party” for sure! (groan)
      I was pleasantly surprised to land on your home page from the linkypartybutton and see your tote flashing by on the photo slide show! Hugs back atchya.
      It was fun to be a part of your party this week.
      Take care and stay strong.

  13. marissthequilter

    Definitely a grand slam finish. I am so impressed by that metallic blanket stitching and all the layering that went into the making of the quilt. A real labour of love.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Metallic thread is a beast, but it can be tamed!!!! Starting with using the right type of metallic thread – yeah, there’s a difference: ‘core’ materials and how the metallic fibers are wound around them and then something as weird as the width of the spool has a huge influence on their pesky ‘curling memory’….anyway – stay tuned for the upcoming post! HA!
      Thank you for such a resounding stamp of approval, Mariss.

  14. Judy Blauer

    Oh my! I love this detailed post! It’s a lovely piece. Specialty thread intimidate me! Seems like slow and steady is the way to go! Thanks!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Welcome, Judy! Thank you for stopping by via Roseanne’s Linky Party no doubt. You are quite right about ‘slow and steady’ Once I accepted that, it was much easier getting into the rhythm and progressing step by step. I did discover a few tricks and needful items to help with working with metallic thread – and will detail them out in another post.

  15. Jill Weatherholt

    It’s gorgeous, Laura. And one of my favorite colors, too!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, you’re just a lime green kinda gal, Jill!

  16. L. Marie

    Wow! So beautiful! Congratulations, Laura, on finishing! Bright Delight is the perfect name!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for the congrats, L.Marie. Finishing **anything** is a “Bright Delight” wouldn’t you agree?
      Here’s looking forward to your WIPs finishes!

  17. Laura

    Congratulations, Laura! The quilt looks great! I love the copper thread…fun choice! I am very interested in your sewing experience with it. Metallic threads are a challenge to work with, but I looked at your photos close up and it looks like you had no troubles at all. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Well, troubles & plenty of unsewing, yes, but a decent final result from lessons learned and confidence to do it again if I so choose. I guess the proof is in your close-up looksee!
      Thanks for the kudos, Laura and a ‘working with metallics’ post is in the offing…
      BTW: that certain hurricane with a certain name looks formidable…

      • Laura

        I have been keeping an eye on our namesake…thinking that her temper is no reflection on our dispositions, Laura! 🙂 Also feeling blessed that I don’t have loved ones in her path. The military will be moving my daughter and fam to the east coast soon enough! I do hope those in her path will be safe!

        • laura bruno lilly

          Living in the Carolinas, I often feel great relief when a hurricane redirects to the gulf coast…but not the destruction that potentially lies in its path.
          BTW: did you know our name means: victorious spirit? Thought it might be appropriate to throw that in the mix here.

          • Laura

            I associate the laurel wreath with our name. Is it strange that one of the things that I like best about myself is my name? 🙂

          • laura bruno lilly

            Its roots is in the latin for laurel – which was made up into ‘victory’ laurel wreaths back in Roman times…
            Liking one’s name is not strange at all. In fact, I was adamant in correcting people that my name was ‘Laura’ not “Laurie or Lori” when I was little growing up. And not many had ‘our’ name back then. It seems it has seen a resurgence in popularity in the past decade or so.
            You go, girl!

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